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Updated: August 24, 2024

Ole Brer B'ar, he got de swell-headedness hisse'f, en ef der wuz enny swinkin', hit swunk too late fer ter he'p ole Brer B'ar. Leas'ways dat's w'at dey tells me, en I ain't never yearn it 'sputed." "Was the Bear's head sure enough swelled, Uncle Remus?" "Now you talkin', honey!" exclaimed the old man. "Goodness! what made it swell?" This was Uncle Remus's cue.

They 'sputed on the tower of Babel and the Lord say 'Confound you! Miss Cecilia 'splained it all to me and she's 'bout the dandiest 'splainer they is." "You may tell your tale now, Jimmy," said Lina. "I'm going to tell 'bout William Tell 'cause he's in the Bible," said Jimmy. "Once they's a man name' " "William Tell isn't in the Bible," declared Lina.

"Well, Jedge Barbour's niggers always said dat de coon was dere coon, 'ca'se he was treed on dere lan', and we 'sputed dat it was our coon, 'ca'se it was on our lan'." "Who got de coon?" asked Fitz. "Oh, we got the coon!" And Chad's eyes twinkled. "That settles it. It's your land, Colonel," said Fitz, with one of his sudden roars, in which everybody joined but Chad and the judge.

He jes' 'fused an' 'fused an' 'sputed an' 'sputed; he jes' tuck ter me f'om de minute he got off 'm de train an' sot eyes on me; he am one easy chile ter git 'quainted wid; so, I jes' h'isted him up by me. Here am his verlise, ma'am." "Good-bye, Sam Lamb," said the child as the negro got back on the box and gathered up the reins. "I'll see you to-morrer."

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