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When the spot has been reached that she, or her urgent advisers, may regard as favourable, she arches her back, bends forward, and introduces the extremity of her long spindle-shaped abdomen into one of the cells; the-little eager heads of her escort meanwhile forming a passionate circle around her, watching her with their enormous black eyes, supporting her, caressing her wings, and waving their feverish antennae as though to encourage, incite, or congratulate.

For some time past vessels had been met by "an enormous thing," a long object, spindle-shaped, occasionally phosphorescent, and infinitely larger and more rapid in its movements than a whale. If it was a whale, it surpassed in size all those hitherto classified in science.

They should be cut oval or spindle-shaped, to facilitate the approximation of the edges of the resulting wound. The graft should be cut to the exact size of the surface it is to cover; Gillies believes that tension of the graft favours its taking. These grafts may be placed either on a fresh raw surface or on healthy granulations.

In some of the other fishes also the stomach is only a very simple spindle-shaped enlargement at the beginning of the digestive section of the gut, running straight from front to back in the median plane of the body, underneath the vertebral column. In the mammals its first structure is just as rudimentary as it is permanently in the preceding. But its various parts soon begin to develop.

Her arms, slender and spindle-shaped like those of very young girls, were encircled by a peculiar kind of metal bands and bracelets of glass beads; her hair was all twisted into little cords, and she wore upon her bosom a little idol-figure of green paste, bearing a whip with seven lashes, which proved it to be an image of Isis; her brow was adorned with a shining plate of gold, and a few traces of paint relieved the coppery tint of her cheeks.

C. Single taste bud magnified. n. Nerve, the fibers of which terminate between the spindle-shaped cells a. e. Epithelial cells. *The Sensation of Taste.*—The sense organs of taste are found chiefly in the mucous membrane covering the upper surface of the tongue.

When there is much connective tissue formed in relation to the synovial membrane, the joint is swollen, and as the muscles waste above and below, the swelling is spindle-shaped. Subacute exacerbations occur from time to time, with fever and aggravation of the local symptoms and implication of other joints.

Stem and joints cylindrical, the latter covered with spindle-shaped tubercles, each one crowned with a tuft of fine, hair-like, whitish spines, one or two in each tuft being stiff, and sharp as needles. The leaves are fleshy, cylindrical, 1 in. or more long, and they remain on the joints longer than is usual in Opuntias.

Examine with a high power of the microscope and note: the isolated cells, long and spindle-shaped, that they are much flattened; the arrangement of the cells, or fibers, in sheets, or layers, from the torn ends of which they project like palisades. Experiment 26. Tease out a small portion of the tendon or ligament in water, and examine with a glass of high power. Experiment 27.

North are three bright little craters in a line, the middle one being much the largest. From the most easterly of these objects a light streak may be traced under a high sun, extending for many miles to another small crater on the N.W. of Diophantus, and expanding at a point due N. of the formation into a spindle-shaped marking.