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Removal of testicles may prove fatal from shock to nervous system. Wounds of the spermatic cord may be dangerous from hæmorrhage. Wounds to the vulva are dangerous, owing to hæmorrhage from the large plexus of veins without valves. Stains may require detection on clothing, on cutting instruments, on floors and furniture, etc.

The ejaculatory vessels are two small passages, one on either side, which do not differ in any respect from the spermatic veins in substance.

Spermatozoa must not be mistaken for the Trichomonas vaginæ found in the vaginæ of some women. The latter have cilia surrounding the head, which is globular. Florence's Micro-Chemical Test for Spermatic Fluid. Barberio's Test. Mix a drop of the spermatic stain with a drop of a saturated solution of picric acid, when needle-shaped yellow rhombic crystals are formed. Gonorrhoeal Stains.

Great care ought to be taken at first, that if her body be very weak, she be not kept too hot, for extremity of heat weakens nature and dissolves the strength; and whether she be weak or strong, be sure that no cold air comes near her at first; for cold is an enemy to the spermatic parts; if it get into the womb it increases the after pains, causes swelling in the womb and hurts the nerves.

The veins and arteries proceed both from the hypogastric and the spermatic vessels, of which I shall speak by and by; all these are inserted and terminated in the proper membranes of the womb.

At the same time the male instincts and the other generative organs were unchanged. In a few cases, however, Ancel and Bouin observed atrophy of the interstitial cells as well as the spermatic cells. They believe this is due to the nerves supplying the testis being included in the ligature.

Amongst these there are two small veins which pass into the womb from the spermatic vessels, and two larger ones from the neck: the mouth of these veins pierces as far as the inward cavity.

Individuals with one testicle are called monorchids, and may be divided into three varieties: A solitary testicle divided in the middle by a deep fissure, the two lobes being each provided with a spermatic cord on the same side as the lobe. Testicles of the same origin, but with coalescence more general. A single testicle and two cords. Gruber of St.

The spermatic cord however escaped, and a hematoma, the size of a child's head, formed on account of which he had to go to the hospital. This man acted under an uncontrollable impulse to mutilate himself, and claimed that until he castrated himself he had no peace of mind. There is a similar report in an Italian journal which was quoted in London.

If the period of sexual excitement extends over fifteen to thirty minutes, the whole duct system from the epididymis to the ampulla becomes gorged with the secreted testicular product. This secretion consists of active motile spermatozoa, of spermatic granules and of mucus.