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Updated: August 8, 2024

Misteh what's-his-names he says something to de docteh, an' den dey goes afteh de cobwebs, suah 'nough. 'Tain' bleedin' no mo', missy. He's mostes' neah doin' we'y fine. Co'se, he cain' walk fo' sev'l days wiv dem laigs o' his'n, but " "Then, in heaven's name, how are we to get to Edelweiss?" "He c'n ride, cain't he? Wha's to hindeh him?" "Quite right. He shall ride inside the coach.

"Just so," said Flaggan; "but it's not common to hear of Moors bein' taken aboard our men o' war, d'ee see. It's that as puzzles me." "Oh, that's easy to 'splain," returned Ali. "The fac' is, I'd bin for sev'l year aboord a Maltese trader 'tween Meddrainean an' Liverp'l, and got so like a English tar you coodn't tell the one fro' the oder. Spok English, too, like natif."

"Yes, he cou'n't tell anybody where to take him, and a doctor found that letteh on him print' outside with yo' uptown address; and so he put him in a cab an' sen' him yondeh, and sen' word he muz 'ave been sick sinze sev'l hours, an' get him in bed quick don't lose a minute." "And so he's in bed at my house!" I put in approvingly. "Ah, no!

"Now, you boys that ain't got any business here, jest clair out! Go! I tell you, aw I'll " The boys loitered off toward the engine. "We can select out sev'l si-izes," he drawled, uncovering a box, "and fit you ove' in my office.

He fo'gets that by a wise p'ovision o' that Gov'ment's foundehs it's got sev'l ahms, an' one holds down anotheh. The S'preme Cote Judge March, you go in an' see him; you jest the man to do it, seh!" John waited without. Presently father and son were seen to leave Captain Shotwell's headquarters and cross the square to the Courier office.

I tendered it back silently, and saw that he knew its purport already from the Major, and that the ladies knew it from him. The good fellow looked quite happy a moment, but then reddened as they joyfully crowded the car's doorway to see me fitted! "We can select out sev'l pair " he began, but heard a puerile titter and lost his nerve.

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