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His enemies would not let him rest even there, for the next day, fixed to the tree, were found the following verses: "Cresce diu, felix arbor, semperque vireto Frondibus ut nobis talia poma feras." To return to Cardan. Having at last won from his patient leave to depart, he set forth laden with rich gifts. In Scotland, Cardan found the most generous paymasters he had ever met.

Licuit semperque licebit Signatum praesente nota producere nomen. Allowable? Yes! and much more than merely allowable; it is inevitable that as the ages roll we should attach new meanings to old words.

Stilicho dared not fight him again, and bought him off. He turned northward toward Gaul, and at Verona Stilicho got him at an advantage, and fought him once more, and if we are to believe Rosino and Claudian, beat him again. 'Taceo de Alarico, saepe victo, saepe concluso, semperque dimisso. 'It is ill work trapping an eagle, says some one.

"Saepissime examinavi fermnentum cerevisiae, semperque hoc ex globulis per materiam pellucidam fluitantibus, quarm cerevisiam esse censui, constare observavi: vidi etiam evidentissime, unumquemque hujus fermenti globulum denuo ex sex distinctis globulis constare, accurate eidem quantitate et formae, cui globulis sanguinis nostri, respondentibus.

Philosophy has obliged me in determining that so brave an action had been indecently placed in any other life than that of Cato; and that it only appertained to his to end so; notwithstanding, and according to reason, he commanded his son and the senators who accompanied him to take another course in their affairs: "Catoni, quum incredibilem natura tribuisset gravitatem, eamque ipse perpetue constantia roboravisset, semperque in proposito consilio permansisset, moriendum potius, quam tyranni vultus aspiciendus, erat."

I have heard in particular, that the Steenkirk arrived but two Months ago at Newcastle, and that there are several Commodes in those Parts which are worth taking a Journey thither to see. No. 130. Monday, July 30, 1711. Addison. ... Semperque recentes Convectare juvat praedas, et vivere rapto. Virg.

Pythagoras borrowed the metempsychosis from the Egyptians; but it has since been received by several nations, and particularly by our Druids: "Morte carent animae; semperque, priore relicts Sede, novis domibus vivunt, habitantque receptae."

I have heard in particular, that the Steenkirk arrived but two months ago at Newcastle, and that there are several commodes in those parts which are worth taking a journey thither to see. C. No. 130. Semperque recentes Convectare juvat praedas, et vivere rapto. VIRG. AEn. vii. ver. 748. Hunting their sport, and plund'ring was their trade.