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Mother Binning took from a chest a gray plaid. He lifted again the dead woman, and she happed the plaid about her. "Ah, the lassie the lassie! Come to me, Glenfernie, and I will scry for you who it was!" He looked at her as though he did not hear her. He lifted the body, holding it against his shoulder like a child, and went forth.

I have only met with three other persons besides Miss Angus, two of them men, who had any success in 'telepathic' crystal-gazing. The 'scry' of January 23 represented his ship in the Suez Canal. He was, as his letter shows, in quarantine at Suez, at Moses's Wells, from January 25 to January 26.

"Yes, it's another springtime.... I do not think that I believe in scrying, Mother Binning. But I'm where I pick up all straws with which to build me a nest! Sit down and scry for me, will you?" "I canna scry every day, nor every noon, nor every year. What are you wanting to see, Glenfernie?" "Oh, just my soul's desire!" Mother Binning turned to her door.

The following instances are within my personal experience, and being already on record and well attested, will serve equally to illustrate the fact of clairvoyance as would numerous others within my knowledge. In June, 1896, a lady visited me in Manchester Square and, being anxious on several points, asked that I would scry for her. A blue beryl was used as agent.

The first occurred the day after she got the glass ball for the first time. She writes: 'I. A lady one day asked me to scry out a friend of whom she would think. Almost immediately I exclaimed "Here is an old, old lady looking at me with a triumphant smile on her face. She has a prominent nose and nut-cracker chin.

Thus the conditions under which the scryer can scry, are, as yet, unascertained. The phenomena of scrying were not unknown to Dr. Gregory, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. Dr. Gregory believed in 'odylic fluid' on the evidence of Reichenbach's experiments, which nobody seems to have repeated successfully under strict tests. Clairvoyance also was part of Dr.

Science has hardly thought crystal-gazing worthy even of contempt, yet it appears to deserve the notice of psychologists. To persons who can 'scry, and who do not see hideous illusions, or become hypnotised, or superstitious, or incur headaches, scrying is a harmless gateway into Les Paradis Artificiels. 'And the rest, they may live and learn.