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These compositions were furnished with Assyrian translations upon the tablets on which they were inscribed, and it was correctly argued by the late Sir Henry Rawlinson, the late M. Oppert, Prof. Schrader, Prof. Sayce, and other scholars that they were written in the language of the earlier inhabitants of the country whom the Semitic Babylonians had displaced.

Madelung left almost immediately after Falkenhein, and the majority of the married men followed his example. At last only lieutenants remained, except Major Schrader and Captain von Gropphusen. The one other senior officer, Captain Mohr, did not count.

This is the number currently accepted in India at the present day. But Schrader describes many Upanishads existing in MS. in addition to this list and points out that though they may be modern there is no ground for calling them spurious.

Miss Wiggin tells us that indirectly we owe the children's sand-heaps in the public parks to Froebel, since these were the result of a suggestion made by Frau Schrader to the Empress Frederick, and the idea was carried out during her husband's too brief reign.

Comte Bruhl is much in fashion here; I like him mightily; he has very much 'le ton de la bonne campagnie'. Poor Schrader died last Saturday, without the least pain or sickness. God bless you! LONDON, April 22, 1765 MY DEAR FRIEND: The day before yesterday I received your letter of the 3d instant. I find that your important affair of the ceremonial is adjusted at last, as I foresaw it would be.

As a factor in breaking the "cake of custom" the meeting of two such societies is of great importance; and if, with Starcke, we trace the origin of the family to economic considerations, and, with Schrader, the institution of guest friendship to the same source, we may certainly expect to find important influences upon primitive society arising from commerce with a higher people.

It would seem that the recommendations of 1905 may begin to be carried out in 1919, a consummation devoutly to be wished. In the meantime voluntary effort has done what it could. Birmingham had good reason to be in the forefront, since many of its public-spirited citizens had in their own childhood the benefit of the excellent works of Miss Caroline Bishop, a disciple of Frau Schrader.

The adjutant presented the other men according to their seniority in rank. First came the two majors. Lischke received a studiously polite greeting; Schrader was far more graciously treated was not the smart bachelor a notable waltzer at court balls?

The matter was referred to a so-called court of honor, which sustained the contention of Baron Schrader, and declared that inasmuch as Baron Kotze had by his dilatoriness placed himself beyond the power of exacting satisfaction from Baron Schrader for the indignities to which he had been subjected, he was no longer worthy to wear the uniform of a Prussian officer.

Even when monotonous labor is intellectual, it is not thereby protected against degrading orgiastic reactions. Prof. Rabutaux discusses various definitions of prostitution, De la Prostitution en Europe, pp. 119 et seq. For the origin of the names to designate the prostitute, see Schrader, Reallexicon, art. "Beischläferin." Digest, lib. xxiii, tit. ii, p. 43.