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It is either the fear of death the fear of the vengeance of a man whose life they have ruined, or else the transaction in which they involved me, and in which they made me their scapegoat, was more far-reaching than I, or anybody in Glendale, supposed it was." Whitley sat for a full minute staring absently into the fire. Then he said, very gently: "Now that you know the truth, what will you do?"

Then, she is helpless, she is blind, she is my scapegoat, Basha, as I am yours, and no one save her father " "Ah! Ah! Ah!" Israel had spoken warmly, and at the tender fibres of feeling that had been forced out of him at last the woman was laughing derisively. "Trust me," she cried, "I know what daughters are. Girls like better things. No, I'll give her what will be more to her taste.

It was rocking there in our swell, innocently, but the crew were pulling for the schooner like crazy men. I was griffin enough at the time, but I knew what it meant, of course, it was an enchanted boat, that the priests in some village perhaps clear over in New Guinea had charmed the cholera or the plague on board of. Same idea as the Hebrew scapegoat. "Brenti!" I shouted.

And Ravenel didn't mind particularly. Sammy seemed to enjoy his talk; and then the broker's clerk was such a perfect embodiment of modernity and the day's sordid practicality that Ravenel rather liked to use him as a scapegoat. "I'll tell you what's the matter with you," said Sammy, with the shrewdness that business had taught him. "The magazine has turned down some of your poetry stunts.

And Paphnutius at the top of his pillar felt a thrill of horror pass through him, and cried to God "I am the scapegoat, and I take upon me all the impurities of these people, and that is why, Lord, my body is filled with evil spirits." Every time that a sick person went away healed, the people applauded, carried him in triumph, and ceased not to repeat "We behold another well of Siloam!"

For the Slavonic year began in spring; and thus, in one of its aspects, the ceremony of "carrying out Death" would be an example of the widespread custom of expelling the accumulated evils of the old year before entering on a new one. LVIII. Human Scapegoats in Classical Antiquity The Human Scapegoat in Ancient Rome

Those whose interest it was that misgovernment should continue, would no longer be able to make a scapegoat of George Brown. Admitting that he had used strong language in denouncing French domination, he justified his course as the only remedy for the evil.

Think that this elect creature becomes the scapegoat of sins committed, and like a lamentable daughter of Danaus she will unceasingly pour the offering of her mortifications and prayers, of her vigils and fastings, into the bottomless vessel of offences and crimes. Ah! if you knew what it was to repair the sins of the world.

At this day you know the secret of the firm of Claparon and Company, founded by du Tillet, one of the finest inventions " "Yes," said Blondet, "the responsible editor in business matters, the instigator, and scapegoat; but we know better than that nowadays.

And the fat of the sin offering shall he burn upon the altar. And he that let go the goat for the scapegoat shall wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in water, and afterward come into the camp.