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"It was unfair of you to make use of Quimbleton's name to get me into your hands," he said angrily. Miss Chuff turned a momentary gaze of amusement upon him, as they passed a large tractor drawing several truckloads of gooseberry plants. "You don't understand," she said demurely. "You may remember that Mr. Quimbleton's card gave his name as associate director of the Happiness Corporation?"

I daresay a good deal of misery would be caused in the long run, who knows? Ah well, it seems a pity you forgot it " "Hell's bells!" roared the Bishop, bringing his fist down on the desk with fury "What is it? Let me get at it!" "I should be sorry to marry into a profane family," was Quimbleton's reply, moving toward the door. The Bishop chewed the end of his beard with a crunching sound.

If I had done so, you might have married us here and now. At least you will not refuse us your blessing?" "Blessings have been abolished," said Chuff in a voice of exasperation. "Now inform me what it is that I have forgotten to condemn." "Work!" cried Quimbleton, and the three ran hastily from the room. In the days following Quimbleton's coup Chuff was in seclusion.

A snowy shag of whiskers came tossing down through the air and fell in his lap. It was Quimbleton's beard, torn from its moorings by the tug of wind-pressure. Bleak thrust it quickly in his pocket. As the great plane passed over the head of the parade, flying dangerously low, every face save that of the iron-willed Bishop was turned upward.

As the frenzy of cheering died away, Quimbleton's face took on the glow of simple benignance that Bleak had first observed at the time of the julep incident in the Balloon office. The flush of a warm, impulsive idealism over-spread his genial features. It was the face of one who deeply loved his fellow-men. "My friends," he said, "now I am able to say, in all sincerity, Here's How.