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Updated: August 28, 2024

"'S'my opinion," said Moses, looking after her with a grin, "dat if de purfesser was here he'd net her in mistook for a bufferfly. Dar! she's down!" he shouted, springing forward, but Nigel was before him. Winnie had tripped and fallen. "Are you hurt, dear child?" asked Nigel, raising her gently. "Oh no! only a little shaken," answered Winnie, with a little laugh that was half hysterical.

"What rubbish dat purfesser do talk!" remarked Moses in an undertone to the hermit as they moved on again. "Not such rubbish as it sounds to you, Moses. These are the scientific names of the creatures, and you know as well as he does that many creatures think they find it advantageous to pretend to be what they are not. Man himself is not quite free from this characteristic.

"What a bootiful bufferfly you is, to be sure! up on sitch a place too, wid nuffin' to eat 'cept Krakatoa dust. I wonder what your moder would say if she know'd you was here. You should be ashamed ob yourself!" "Hallo! Moses, what are you talking to over there?" "Nuffin', Massa Nadgel. I was on'y habin' a brief conv'sation wid a member ob de insect wurld in commemoration ob de purfesser.

"'S'my opinion," said Moses, looking after her with a grin, "dat if de purfesser was here he 'd net her in mistook for a bufferfly. Dar! she's down!" he shouted, springing forward, but Nigel was before him. Winnie had tripped and fallen. "Are you hurt, dear child?" asked Nigel, raising her gently. "Oh no! only a little shaken," answered Winnie, with a little laugh that was half hysterical.

"Das true, Massa Nadgel," observed Moses, who entertained profound admiration for anything that sounded like proverbial philosophy. "De purfesser am an affectionit creeter. 'Pears to me dat he lubs de whole creation. He kills an' tenderly stuffs 'most eberyt'ing he kin lay hands on.

"Well, Massa Nadgel, you does look like it, but I'm sorry I ain't a doctor. P'r'aps de purfesser would help you better nor " "You misunderstand me. Can you keep a secret, Moses?" "I kin try if if he's not too diffikilt to keep." "Well, then; listen." The negro opened his eyes and his mouth as if these were the chief orifices for the entrance of sound, and advanced an ear.

"Das true, Massa Nadgel," observed Moses, who entertained profound admiration for anything that sounded like proverbial philosophy. "De purfesser am an affectionit creeter. 'Pears to me dat he lubs de whole creation. He kills an' tenderly stuffs 'most eberyt'ing he kin lay hands on.

"What a bootiful bufferfly you is, to be sure! up on sitch a place too, wid nuffin' to eat 'cept Krakatoa dust. I wonder what your moder would say if she know'd you was here. You should be ashamed ob yourself!" "Hallo! Moses, what are you talking to over there?" "Nuffin', Massa Nadgel. I was on'y habin' a brief conv'sation wid a member ob de insect wurld in commemoration ob de purfesser.

I heer'd the Purfesser the other day talkin' of wot he calls glacier-haction how they flutes the rocks an' grinds in a most musical way over the boulders with crushin' wiolence; but wot's glacier haction to that?"

"I sees no 'ob course' about it, Massa Nadgel," observed Moses, who never refrained from offering his opinion from motives of humility, or of respect for his employer. "My 'dvice is to go on an' let de purfesser foller." "But I promised to wait for him," said the hermit, with one of his kindly, half-humorous glances, "and you know I never break my promises."

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