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He has been making a dreary waste of what was once a platter of eggs and bacon." "Now I like that," Tom protested. "So I judge. Never mind, Miss Wallace. Billie can cook you some more." "Who is on guard?" Evelyn asked. "The kid. He's a scout for fair too; imagines he's Apache Jim, the terror of the Navajos, or some other paper-backed hero. I hope his gun won't go off and shoot him up."

Sail-cloth draped and held up by poles formed the roof and sides, and a realistic railing surrounded it. A dozen or more steamer chairs stood in line, strewn with rugs, pillows and paper-backed novels. Coils of rope, lanterns, life- preservers, and other paraphernalia added to the realism of the scene, and at one side a carefully constructed window opened into the steward's cabin.

Sophia sometimes apologized for the paper-backed books lying about the drawing-room by saying that she and dear Caroline liked to keep up their French, but Caroline loudly proclaimed her taste for salacious literature.

He stumped away, and in the failing evening light Juliet began to gather up the confusion he had left behind. She found it was not a collection of paper-backed school-books as she had at first imagined, and since the contents of the parcel were very thoroughly scattered she glanced at them with idle curiosity as she laid them together.

There was Fremont, named for the explorer-soldier; there was Orlando, named from his mother’s vague, idle musings over paper-backed literature at certain "unchancy" seasons; there was Richards, named from pure policy, for a local great man of whom Warren Rodney had anticipated a helping hand at the time; there was Eudora, whose nominal origin was uncertain, unless it bore affiliation to that of Orlando; there was Sadie, thus termed to avoid the painful distinctions of "old Sally" and "young Sally"; and, lastly, like a postscript, came Danwith him, fancy, in the matter of names, seemed to have failed.

He had a lot of books which used to follow him about the world in zinc-lined boxes your big paper-backed German books which mean research, and he was a Fellow of the Royal Society, and corresponded with half a dozen foreign shows. India was his great subject, but he had been in the Sudan and knew a good deal about African races.