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But there is one necessary consequence from this practice, which is, that the remains of antiquity are more perfect in France than in any other kingdom in Europe. From Mauves to Oudon, where we dined, the country is still very thickly wooded and inclosed; the properties evidently very small, and therefore innumerable cottages and small gardens.

The same brave spirit seems to possess them now as that which carried them heroically to their fate in the Revolution, when hundreds of mothers and children were shot at Nantes and died without a murmur. But of all the friends the strangers made among them they liked old Mère Oudon best a shrivelled leaf of a woman, who at ninety-two still supported her old husband of ninety-eight.

If ever figure was formed to inspire the passion of which she spoke, it was this lady. Many days and years must pass over before I forget our walk on the green road from Oudon to Ancennis one of the sweetest, softest scenes in France. We entered the forest of Ancennis as the sun was setting.

Ah! It could never be the same thing as a child of her own blood!... But it was good, all the same. Christophe now regarded Cecile with very different eyes. He remembered an ironic saying of Francoise Oudon: "How is it that you and Philomela, who would do so well as husband and wife, are not in love with each other?"

The actors had become the models of the art of the theater. As soon as any one of them reached success, he had his theater, his compliant tailor-authors, and his plays made to measure. Among these great mannikins of literary fashions Francoise Oudon attracted Christophe. Paris had been infatuated with her for a couple of years or so.

As seen at some distance, they reminded me very forcibly of the figures in landscape pictures. We remained at Oudon till near sunset, when we resumed our road to Ancennis, where we intended to sleep. As this was only a distance of seven miles, we took it very leisurely, sometimes riding, and sometimes walking.

As we approached the ruined tower of Oudon, it was impossible not to feel a melancholy regret at the scenes of unparalleled bloodshed that took place on the rich and delightful banks of this river during the phrenzy of the revolution. These dreadful recollections assailed us most powerfully as we came in view of Ancenis on the left, and of Saint Florent le Viel to the right.