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And the little stooping youth straightens his shoulders and glances secretly at Paulsberg. "Listen to that!" says the Actor sarcastically. "A man is a man, as the eunuch said." "What does that remark signify?" "Nothing, God bless you! But you in your patent leathers and your silk hat hunting wolves the idea appealed to my sense of humour." "Ha, ha! I note the fact that Norem has a sense of humour!

But if it wasn't funny, all right.... Ole took out his manuscript. "It is something out of the ordinary," he said. "Ojen calls it 'Memories." "Let me read it," said Norem quickly. "I am, at any rate, supposed to know a little about reading." Ole handed him the manuscript. "Jehovah is very busy " began Norem.

But Irgens noticed no more than ever that people admired him when he strolled down the promenade. Gracious! if they enjoyed looking at him, that was their affair. He was frigidly indifferent, as ever. "I must admit you are a foxy fellow!" exclaimed even Norem, the Actor, when he ran across him on the street.

"If there was, then I never heard of it," said even Norem, who had been sitting quietly at a corner of the table emptying glass upon glass. "Talent? Now that is an entirely different question, you know," said Coldevin quietly. "But do you really think that the talents within our youth are so sweepingly great?" "He he asks if So our talents at present do not amount to so very much, Mr. Coldevin?"

They had met Norem outside. Coldevin, too, spoke about the situation; he accused the young because they had remained silent and accepted this last indignity without a protest. God help us, what kind of a youth was that? Was our youth, then, entirely decadent? "It looks bad for us again," said Milde in a stage whisper. Paulsberg smiled.

And the gentlemen drank industriously. They grew well disposed and cheerful before they took their departure. Irgens was first to leave; then Ojen followed. Ole remained until they had all gone, all except Norem, who sat there as usual and slumbered. He had listened to the talk. Occasionally he had injected a word.