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Each neuron in the gray layers of the brain is a psychic center of thought and action, each one is pulsating an intelligent force of some kind, and when this force, your thoughts and motions, are kept in cheek by a conservative, systematic and concentrated mind, the result will be magnetism, vitality and health.

*Functions of the Parts of Neurons.*—The cell-body serves as a nutritive center from which the other parts derive nourishment. Proof of this is found in the fact that when any part of the neuron is separated from the cell-body, it dies, while the cell-body and the parts attached to the cell-body may continue to live. In addition to this the cell-body probably reënforces the nervous impulse.

*How External Stimuli act on Internal Organs.*—For stimulating the neurons not connected with the body surface we are dependent, so far as known, upon the nervous impulses. An impulse started by the external stimulus goes only so far as its neuron extends.

Moreover, they are stimulated by all the forces that induce muscular contraction and by many others besides. They are by far the most irritable portions of the body. Conductivity is the property which enables the effect of a stimulus to be transferred from one part of a neuron to another.

For example, a single neuron passing out from the spinal cord may, by terminating in a sympathetic ganglion, stimulate a large number of neurons, each of which will in turn stimulate the cells of muscles or of glands. Because of this function, the sympathetic neurons are sometimes called distributing neurons.

"Nerve" is from the Greek neuron, meaning tendon, or sinew, and was originally applied indiscriminately to all the different shining cords which run down the limbs and among the muscles. In fact the first recognition of nerves was an utter failure to recognize.

We try to remember a name, that is, a large number of neuron processes are setting in which normally lead to the excitement of that particular process which furnishes us the memory image of the name. But those brain cells may not respond, the channels may be blocked somehow or the excitability of those cells may be lowered. Now new excitements engage our psychophysical system.

The ganglia contain the cell-bodies which serve as nutritive centers; and, in the case of the sympathetic ganglia, these cell-bodies are the places where the fiber terminations of one neuron connect with, and stimulate, other neurons.