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The teachings of asceticism which had such power among Christians until the sixteenth century are again heard under a different guise in at least one of the modern cults most successful in the United States. Neo-Malthusianism is found exemplified in the two-child families of the nobles of France and Germany and the rich of New England.

Such was the bearing of Theosophical teaching on Neo-Malthusianism, as laid before me by H.P. Blavatsky, and when I urged, out of my bitter knowledge of the miseries endured by the poor, that it surely might, for a time at least, be recommended as a palliative, as a defence in the hands of a woman against intolerable oppression and enforced suffering, she bade me look beyond the moment, and see how the suffering must come back and back with every generation, unless we sought to remove the roots of wrong.

R. Ussher, vicar of Westbury, Bucks, the able author of 'Neo-Malthusianism, very kindly sent me a copy of his exhaustive work, which contained many particulars on the points that principally interested M. Zola. Moreover, Mr.

Procreative Control the Outcome of Natural and Civilized Progress The Growth of Neo-Malthusian Beliefs and Practices Facultative Sterility as Distinct from Neo-Malthusianism The Medical and Hygienic Necessity of Control of Conception Preventive Methods Abortion The New Doctrine of the Duty to Practice Abortion How Far is this Justifiable?

First Fruitfulness, as opposed to neo-Malthusianism, which he holds to be the most pernicious of all doctrines; next Work, as opposed to the idleness of the drones, whom he would sweep away from the human community; then Truth, as opposed to falsehood, hypocrisy, and convention; and, finally, Justice to one and all, in lieu of charity to some, oppression to others, and favours for the privileged few.

From the doctrine of the Trinity to the question of cabbage versus beef; from Neo-Malthusianism to the grievance of compulsory vaccination; not a subject which modernism has thrown out to the multitude but here received its sufficient mauling. Above the crowd floated wreaths of rank tobacco smoke. Straying from circle to circle might have been seen Mr.

If the premises of Materialism be true, there is no answer to the Neo-Malthusian conclusions; for even those Socialists who have bitterly opposed the promulgation of Neo-Malthusianism regarding it as a "red herring intended to draw the attention of the proletariat away from the real cause of poverty, the monopoly of land and capital by a class" admit that when society is built on the foundation of common property in all that is necessary for the production of wealth, the time will come for the consideration of the population question.

I may as well complete the story here, so as not to have to refer to it again. I gave up Neo-Malthusianism in April, 1891, its renunciation being part of the outcome of two years' instruction from Mdme.

M. Zola's views are summed up in the words: 'Let all be exposed and discussed, in order that all may be cured! He regards Neo-Malthusianism and its practices as abominable, and when he had learnt more of the actual situation in England he was emphatically of opinion that his book 'Fecondite, though applied to France alone, might well, with little alteration, be applied to this country also.

Procreative Control the Outcome of Natural and Civilized Progress The Growth of Neo-Malthusian Beliefs and Practices Facultative Sterility as Distinct from Neo-Malthusianism The Medical and Hygienic Necessity of Control of Conception Preventive Methods Abortion The New Doctrine of the Duty to Practice Abortion How Far is this Justifiable?