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He recited the incident of the mobbing of teamsters. Looking for the letter, he said, "I have torn it up." "TACUBAYA, September 6, 1847. "To his Excellency the President and General in Chief of the Mexican Republic.

Suddenly the double doors were flung wide open: "His excellency M. le Duc de Mora!" A long quiver of excitement welcomed him, a respectful curiosity that ranged itself in two rows instead of the mobbing crowd that flocked on the heels of the Nabob.

Suleymân had been beside me, but had dropped behind in order to perform some operation on his horse's hoof. As I came down the last incline on to the village level I heard angry shouts, and saw a crowd of fellâhîn on foot mobbing Rashîd. Urging my horse, I shouted to him to know what was happening.

The other effusion with which we have the honour to favour our readers is a very amusing duet which took place between Fighting Attie and a tall thin robber, who was a dangerous fellow in a mob, and was therefore called Mobbing Francis; it was commenced by the latter: MOBBING FRANCIS: The best of all robbers as ever I knowed Is the bold Fighting Attie, the pride of the road!

"Great God! but for one single instant show thyself," cried Starbuck; "never, never will thou capture him, old man In Jesus' name no more of this, that's worse than devil's madness. Two days chased; twice stove to splinters; thy very leg once more snatched from under thee; thy evil shadow gone all good angles mobbing thee with warnings: what more wouldst thou have?

"The people hooting and yelling at Granthill. They're mobbing his carriage. Run, run! I must see that."

D'Estaing appeared again off Rhode Island only to notify Sullivan that he could no longer aid him; and the latter, deprived of an indispensable support, withdrew in confusion. The disappointment of the Americans showed itself by mobbing some French seamen in Boston, whither their fleet retired.

It was only a question of tiring the black sparks out, for the four brown rats in the place, engaged upon lowering the weight of the flour in the sacks one of those rats a dreaded cannibal of twenty-one and a half inches joined in the mobbing, and soon the black rats found themselves in such a position that there was no escape no escape for any but a black rat. For them there was one way.

The people who had been mobbing the press-gang had collected on the quay, keeping at a safe distance, and they now uttered cries of encouragement to Tom to persevere, while they hurled execrations on the heads of his pursuers; their voices, joined with those of the shouting seamen, creating the wildest possible uproar.

An account of the mobbing of William Cunningham and John Hill is given in both the Tory and Whig papers of the day. It occurred in March, 1775. "William Cunningham and John Hill were mobbed by 200 men in New York, dragged through the green, Cunningham was robbed of his watch and the clothes torn off his back, etc., for being a Tory, and having made himself obnoxious to the Americans.