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Updated: August 8, 2024

P. Steven and the officers of the 90th Regiment, which he describes as 'a marvellous slaughter of woodcocks, after which he sailed to Missolonghi, where he arrived on January 23. The letters describe his further experiences. H.M.S. 'Alacrity, Gibraltar: Nov. 29, 1823. 'My dearest Father,

At length the time for action arrived, and, leaving Cephalonia, Byron landed at Missolonghi on January 4, 1824. He was welcomed with all honour, and at the end of the month received a formal commission from the government as commander of the expedition against Lepanto, a fortified town.

The Turks in renewed numbers, however, advanced to the siege of Missolonghi; but they were again repulsed with great slaughter. The naval campaign from which so much was expected by the Sultan also proved a failure. As usual the Greeks resorted to their fire-ships, not being able openly to contend with superior forces, and drove the fleet back again to the Dardanelles.

On Easter Sunday, the day on which he expired, thousands of the inhabitants of Missolonghi had assembled on the spacious plain on the outside of the city, according to an ancient custom, to exchange the salutations of the morning; but on this occasion it was remarked, that instead of the wonted congratulations, "Christ is risen," they inquired first, "How is Lord Byron?"

"A. MAVROCORDATOS. "GEORGIS PRAIDIS, Secretary. "Given at Missolonghi, this 19th of April, 1824." The funeral oration was written and delivered on the occasion, by Spiridion Tricoupi, and ordered by the government to be published. No token of respect that reverence could suggest, or custom and religion sanction, was omitted by the public authorities, nor by the people.

I imagine that he would rather have his name linked with that of that other soldier-poet, who "flamed away at Missolonghi" nearly a century ago, than with any other character in history save Garibaldi. D'Annunzio, like Byron, was an exile from his native land.

Many sentences in his latter letters from Missolonghi which he word for word said to me when I saw him there. Our passengers are a gentleman in the government of Corfu and a young officer of the Britannia said to be dying of a consumption eats like the devil very obstinate will do as he pleases, seems determined to do what is quite right send the doctor to the devil.

In January, 1824, he landed at Missolonghi, but caught a malarial fever, of which he d. on April 19, 1824. The final position of B. in English literature is probably not yet settled. It is at present undoubtedly lower than it was in his own generation.

After this the Greeks never ventured to fight in the open field, but only in guerilla bands, in mountain passes, and behind fortifications. Then began the memorable siege of Missolonghi under Reschid Pasha. It was probably the strongest town in Greece, by reason not of its fortifications but of the surrounding marshes and lagoons which made it inaccessible.

His short but graphic description of Lord Byron at Missolonghi and his rencontre with Colonel Leicester Stanhope will interest many readers. From a journal kept by Commander Yorke during this service, which he heads 'A few Miscellaneous Remarks. H.M. Sloop Alacrity, beginning in 1823, and now with the Hardwicke MSS. at the British Museum, I find a few facts which supplement those of the letters.

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