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Rectus had gone on board, and I was just about to follow him, when our old Minorcan stepped up to me. "Goin' away?" said he. "Yes," said I, "we're off at last." "Other feller goin'?" "Oh, yes," I answered, "we keep together." "Well now, look here," said he, drawing me a little on one side. "What made him take sich stock in us Minorcans?

She says that the Minorcans were popularly referred to in the section as "Turnbull's Darkies," a name they apparently resented. This caused many of them, she claims, to drop or change their names to Spanish or American surnames.

The rebels in Georgia threaten us, the Tories at Pensacola warn us, the Seminoles are gathering, the Minorcans are arming, the blacks in the Carolinas watch us, and the British regiments at Augustine are all itching to ravage and plunder and drive us into the sea if we declare not for the King who pays them." Sir Lupus nodded, winked, and fell to slicing tobacco with a small, gold knife.

The various Indian names are spelt in a dozen different ways. Reise, etc. The Minorcans were the most numerous and prosperous; then came the Spaniards, with a few creoles, English, and Germans. J. D. F. Smyth, "Tour in the United States" , London, 1784, II., 35. Do. "Mémoire ou Coup-d'Oeil Rapide sur mes différentes voyages et mon séjour dans la nation Creck, par Le Gal.

At home I had no kin to defend; my elder brother had sailed to England, my superintendent, my overseers, my clerks were all Tory; my slaves would join the Minorcans or the blacks in Georgia, and I, single-handed, could not lift a finger to restrain them. But here, in the dire need of Tryon County, I might be of use.

"You can't tell me," he replied to all of our arguments, and I think he completely destroyed all the sympathy which Rectus had had for the once down-trodden and deceived Minorcans, by this animosity toward members of another race who were yet in captivity and bondage.

But to cut the story short, he found a way into one of the Talayots of Minorca, carved his secret upon the plaster of the interior, hid the entrance again, and came away. He says that the Talayot was believed by the Minorcans to be solid throughout, and adds that his only confidant, the priest who helped him to gain the internal chamber, died of a fever two days afterwards.