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Kennedy had evidently employed the interval in developing his plates, for he now had ten or a dozen prints, all of exactly the same size, mounted on stiff cardboard in a space with scales and figures on all four sides. He saw me puzzling over them. "Those are metric photographs such as Bertillon of Paris takes," he explained.

Our money measure is known as the decimal, or metric. It would be convenient, if we could follow the example of nearly all the other commercial nations, and use the metric system for all our weights and measures. In the United States Treasury at Washington, there are many million dollars in silver coins and bullion.

The idea of a common understanding and a general simplification of intercourse once it was accepted led very naturally to the universal establishment of the metric system of weights and measures, and to the disappearance of the various makeshift calendars that had hitherto confused chronology.

But I think that by this scheme the foot would be too large, and that the inconvenience of changing all the foot measures and things depending on them, would be much greater than changing all the pounds, bushels, gallons, etc. I therefore give the preference to those plans which retain the foot and ounce. The war of the standards still rages metric, or decimal, or no change.

Gluten. The glutinous albuminoid ingredient of cereals. Glycogen. Literally, "producing glucose." Animal starch found in liver, which may be changed into glucose. Gram. Unit of metric system, 15.43 grains troy. Groin. The lower part of the abdomen, just above each thigh. Belonging to the sense of taste. The practice of athletic exercises.

"The first poet in the world for some things," as Ben Jonson, who nevertheless did not like his metric, thought he would perish for not being understood, and perhaps did not understand him called Donne with justice, might not be thought likely to be among the first letter-writers.

Almost any scientist may be called on to bear testimony in court nowadays, but you would say the astronomer is one of the least likely. Well, the shadow in this picture will prove an alibi for some one. "Notice. It is seen very prominently to the right, and its exact location on the house is an easy matter. You could almost use the metric photograph for that.

I once thought, in my innocence, that there was a sort of metric scale in degrees that an A.M. was ten times the size of an A.B.; that a Ph.D. was equal to ten A.M.'s; and that the LL.D. degree could be had only on the top of Mt. Olympus.

While the matter has been much exaggerated, some concert or uniformity in describing the sizes of books is highly desirable. A Committee of the American Library Association agreed to a size-notation, figured below, adopting the metric system as the standard, to which we add the approximate equivalents in inches. Centimetres Size outside Sizes. abbreviations. height. Inches.

It was therefore as much a French as an English meridian, and could be adopted without any sacrifice of national position. But they were not convinced, and will probably hold out until England adopts the metric system, on which occasion it is said that they will be prepared to adopt the Greenwich meridian. One proceeding of the conference illustrates a general characteristic of reformers.