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We uns hev enough an' ter spare, all we need an' more than we deserve. We don't need ter ax a meracle from the skies ter stay our souls on faith, nor a sign ter prove our grace." "Now, now, stop, Aurely! I declar', Jube I dunno what made me lay my tongue ter sech a word ez that thar miser'ble benighted meracle!

Now, I reelly sent for you to-day to tell you I mean to better the supplies this trip Yes, honest Injun!" for the Andromeda's skipper had clutched the cigar out of his mouth with the expression of a man who vows to heaven that he cannot believe his ears "I'm goin' to bung in an extry 'undred to-morrow in the way of stores. Funny, isn't it?" "Funny! It's a meracle!"

She tolt me what to do, and I follered it, and, lo! the meracle was performed; wonderful things was done unto me!" Here Aunt Dalmanutha for it was she supplemented the embrace with kisses rained upon the head and brow of the trained nurse.

Nichols looked on, silently thanking God for having made her an humble instrument in contributing so much to another's happiness. "Set down," said Aunt Polly, motioning toward a wooden bottomed chair; "set down, and let's us talk over this great meracle, which I've prayed and rastled for mighty nigh a hundred times, without havin' an atom of faith that 'twould ever be." So Mrs.

Well, she asked me to set down, and then she begun. She said that she was expecting to have a change in her condition of life, and had asked me up so that I might' have the first news of it. I am sure says I I wish you both joy. Merriage is a blessed thing when folks is well sorted, and it is an honorable thing, and the first meracle was at the merriage in Canaan.