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"I wish to be alone." "Mr. Meinert says you must pay," said the waiter. "Four drinks sixty cents." Mr. Feuerstein laughed sardonically. "Pay! Ha ha! Always pay! Another drink, wretch, and I shall pay for all for all!" He laughed, with much shaking of the shoulders and rolling of the eyes. When the waiter had disappeared he muttered: "I can wait no longer."

A man stood up in the crowd. "You don't want me!" he shouted, as if he were trying to make himself heard through a great distance instead of a few feet. "You want " "Come forward!" commanded the magistrate sharply, and when Meinert stood before him and beside Hilda and had been sworn, he said, "Now, tell your story."

Do you know?" "Your Honor, I understood that Mr. Meinert found it." The magistrate frowned at him. Then he said, raising his voice, "Does ANY ONE know who found the body?" "My man Wielert did," spoke up Meinert. A bleached German boy with a cowlick in the center of his head just above his forehead came up beside Hilda and was sworn. "You found the body?" "Yes," said Wielert.

"We'll see," said the magistrate, giving her an encouraging smile. "If it is as you say, you certainly won't need counsel. Your rights are secure here." He looked at Captain Hanlon, who was also on the platform. "Captain," said he, "your first witness the man who found the body." "Meinert," said the captain in a low tone to a court officer, who called loudly, "Meinert! Meinert!"

He glanced sharply from face to face, feeling as though some silent, unseen process were changing everything about him. All the faces seemed oddly familiar. And, through the smoke, peering at him from the corners of the room, he saw that all the Brothers about him had the faces he had known and lived with long ago Röst, Fluheim, Meinert, Rigel, Gysin.

"The man Feuerstein," began Meinert, "came into my place about half-past one yesterday. He looked a little wild as if he'd been drinking or was in trouble. He went back into the sitting-room and I sent in to him and " "Did you go in?" "No, your Honor." "When did you see him again?" "Not till the police came." "Stand down. I want evidence, not gossip. Captain Hanlon, who found the body?

The Abbe Bourlet, Templeton, Westwood, and Haliday have published important papers on the Thysanura; and Meinert, a Danish naturalist, and Olfers, a German anatomist, have published important papers on the anatomy of the group.