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Updated: August 21, 2024

For pathos, sublimity, and matchless language, no poem in the world exceeds this one. It is arranged in eighteen books, all of which claim to have been composed by Vyasa another name for the god Krishna who is said also in the course of the epic to have composed the Vedas and the Puranas. This is, of course, mythology, and not literary history.

He is said to have passed on to England, and ended his days in prison, a victim to the caprice or jealousy of King John. Many tales are told of his matchless intrepidity.

He had used up one trick, he must find another, and still another; and when the black rushed again, Alcatraz slipped away from the contact and raced off at his matchless gallop. The other pursued a short distance and stopped, sounding his defiance and his triumph. As well follow the wind as the chestnut stranger.

Abu Sofian listened, and it may be that the chief's words induced him to consider seriously the possibility of ranging himself beneath the banner of the Prophet. Meanwhile Mahomet had summoned all the matchless energy of which he was capable, and set on foot preparations for the overwhelming of Mecca.

The premises I admit, namely, that when I mounted on that infernal hack, I might utter what seemed a sigh, although I deemed it lost amid the puffs and groans of the broken-winded brute, matchless in the complication of her complaints by any save she, the poor man's mare, renowned in song, that died A mile aboon Dundee.

Here one first sees the matchless kunkah roads, traversing the country from town to town, the first glimpse of which is very reassuring to me. It is July 28th when I at length find myself in Lahore. The heat is not only well-nigh unbearable, but dangerous.

But the matchless courage of the fair virago! the magnanimity of Calista's soul!

From the central dagoba, ascended by a winding stair, the intricate design of the spacious sanctuary discloses itself with mathematical precision, and the changing glories of dawn, sunset, and moonlight idealize the sacred hill, rising amid the palm-groves and rice-fields of a matchless valley, sweeping away in green undulations which break like emerald waves against the deepening azure and amethyst of the mountain heights.

"Have you laid no plans, madame?" he asked her. "It were surely a madness now to attempt to withstand the Marquis." "The Marquis? Ah yes Florimond." She sat forward out of the shadows in which her great chair enveloped her, and let candle and firelight play about the matchless beauty of her perfect face.

Another evening, at the theater, an usher said obligingly: "Beg pardon, sir, but there's a white feather in your hair, just on top." Raging characteristically once when in Paris, he earned this rebuke from Degas, the matchless draughtsman: "Whistler, you talk as if you were a man without talent." Some one gave Henry Irving a Whistler etching for a Christmas gift.

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