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I answered that, in 1844, I was in Upper Georgia, and there saw some native gold, but it was much finer than this, and that it was in phials, or in transparent quills; but I said that, if this were gold, it could be easily tested, first, by its malleability, and next by acids. I took a piece in my teeth, and the metallic lustre was perfect.

I saw another at work to calcine ice into gunpowder; who likewise showed me a treatise he had written concerning the malleability of fire, which he intended to publish.

Her voice was low and gentle, perhaps from fear, perhaps from desire to persuade, perhaps merely from repression of feeling. "Mr. Bates," she said, "you'll let me go in the boat with that?" she made a gesture toward the unfinished coffin. His anger had cooled since he had last seen her, not lessening but hardening, as molten metal loses malleability as it cools.

Theirs was a good heritage; their part of the earth, the ring of their iron, his particular characteristic of a black Penny, formed a really splendid entity. The low, horizontal branches of the beech tree on the lawn, older than the dwelling, opposed a pleasant variety on the long façade, built of stone with an appearance of dark pinkish malleability masking its obduracy.

She finally achieved one; but in the course of centuries this soul finally became too rigid. With a little more malleability, the ancient monarchy would have been slowly transformed as it was elsewhere, and we should have avoided, together with the Revolution and its consequences, the heavy task of remaking a national soul.

"O Lord!" he would cry a score of times a day, "Thou hast brought up my soul from the grave; Thou hast kept me alive that I should not go down to the pit!" But underlying all this remained unfortunately the inherent weakness of his nature indeed, it was that very weakness and malleability made this sudden and wholesale conversion possible.

An alert power to perceive the potential value of things and the possible malleability of men and circumstances, had stood him in marvellous good stead.

Geniality and bonhomie are more valuable qualities than prescience or nobility of aim. The more representative that government becomes, the more does originality give place to malleability. The more fluid that the conceptions of a statesman are, the greater that his adaptability is, the more acceptable he becomes. Since Lord Beaconsfield, with all his trenchant mystery, and Mr.

There is needed constantly the touch of the laborer for its preservation. Gold, silver and precious stones are the least subject to decay. They are not, however, made, but found, and simply refined and polished. The indestructibility of silver and gold have made them the money metals of the world, quite as much as their rarity, their beauty and malleability.

Belief in "fads" I cannot avoid the bit of slang and singular malleability of real convictions are sometimes generated just by want of serious thought; and, at any rate, both phenomena are very common at present. This suggests another aspect of reasoning in a scientific spirit, namely, the importance which it attaches to a right comprehension of the practicable.