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XXII., but the peculiarity of treatment of their truncation is highly interesting. LXV. represents the plans of the capitals at the base, the shaded parts being the bells: the open line, the roll with its connecting band.

LXV. Having thus spoken to the three hundred he went away, and hearing that Cæsar at the head of all his army was already on his march, "Ha!" said he, "he considers that he has to deal with men;" and turning to the senators he urged them not to delay, but to make their escape while the horsemen were still staying there.

Easter. Deut. xxxii. 13; xxxiii. 13-15. Gen. xxi. 10. Matt. xi. 19. Luke vii. 34. Gen. xiv. 18. 1 Cor. x. 20. Ezek. xlvii. 12. Rev. xxii. 2. Hos. ii. 21-23. Joel iii. 18. Amos ix. 13. Isa. xxv. 6; lxii. 8, 9, lxv. 13. Jer. xxxi. 12-14. Zech. ix. 17. Mal. i. 11. Ps. xxiii. 5; xxvi. 6; xxxvi. 7-9; xliii. 3, 4, lxv. 4; lxiii. 6-8. Prov. ix. 1-5. Isa. lv. 1. Cant. ii. 13; iv. 6; v. 1

For these later missions and traders see Yule, Cathay and the Way Thither, Introd., pp. cxxxii-iv, and text, passim. Ibid., II, p. 292; and App., p. lxv. Concerning the marginal notes by Columbus see Yule, op. cit., II, App. H, p. 558. The book is preserved in the Colombina at Seville.

In the Zoological Gardens the inmates of the serpent-house enjoy a more solid diet The fact is, we have here an oriental superstition. Kalisch points out that "the great scantiness of food? on which the serpent can subsist, gave rise to the belief, entertained by many Eastern nations, that they eat dust." This belief is referred to in Micah vii, 17, Isaiah lxv., 25, and elsewhere in the Bible.

Proceedings of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, LXV, 505-507, September, 1913. 1 pl. Amphibians and Reptiles from Southern Peru Collected by Peruvian Expedition of 1914-1915. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, LVIII, 609-620, 1921. Hiram Bingham: The Ruins of Choqquequirau. American Anthropologist, XII, 505-525, October, 1910. Illus., 4 pl., map. Across South America.

A possible return to scandal-mongering should be noted. Letters from the Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Everyman edition, 461. "You should have given me a key to the Invisible Spy, particularly to the catalogue of books in it. Gentleman's Magazine, XXIV, 560, December 1754. Critical Review, LXV; 236, March 1788.

Giles Fletcher, Christ's Victory in Heaven, lxv. "We've done an unthoughtful thing, Sarpent yes, Judith, we've done an unthoughtful thing in taking life with an object no better than vanity!" exclaimed Deerslayer, when the Delaware held up the enormous bird, by its wings, and exhibited the dying eyes riveted on its enemies with the gaze that the helpless ever fasten on their destroyers.

By this lucky chance the dewan earned his reward from the Raja. LXV. The Good Daughter-in-Law. There was once a very rich man who had seven sons and the sons were all married and lived with their father. The father was a miser: he lived in the poorest manner in spite of all his wealth and hoarded all his money.

And also this water is that which heals all those that shall be saved; and by which, they being sanctified thereby also, do all their works of worship and service acceptably, through Jesus Christ our Lord. LXV. Of the chains which were in the oracle or inner Temple.