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Updated: August 3, 2024

You is de lowdownest orneriest hound dat was ever pup'd into dis worl' en I's 'sponsible for it!" and she spat on him. He made no effort to resent this. Roxy reflected a moment, then she said: "Now I'll tell you what you's gwine to do. You's gwine to give dat man de money dat you's got laid up, en make him wait till you kin go to de judge en git de res' en buy me free agin." "Thunder!

Buzzard up'n tell Brer Fox how 'twuz, en he 'low'd, Mr. Buzzard did, dat Brer Rabbit wuz de lowdownest w'atsizname w'at he ever run up wid. Den Brer Fox say, sezee: "'Dat's needer here ner dar, Brer Buzzard, sezee. 'I lef' you yer fer ter watch dish yere hole, en I lef' Brer Rabbit in dar. I comes back en I fines you at de 'ole en Brer Rabbit ain't in dar, sezee.

Merlin broke in, rubbing his hands and smiling his lowdownest smile of malicious gratification: "'Tis well said, right well said! And 'tis enough of parleying, let my lord the king deliver the battle signal." The king had to yield. The bugle made proclamation, and we turned apart and rode to our stations.

But do you know, it warn't ten minutes till the camel-driver was unsatisfied again he was the lowdownest reptyle in seven counties and he come a-running again. And this time the thing he wanted was to get the dervish to rub some of the salve on his other eye. "Why?" said the dervish. "Oh, you know," says the driver. "Know what?" "Well, you can't fool me," says the driver.

In de fust place you ain't got none to cle'r, en in de second place yo' ornery eye tole on you. You's de lowdownest hound dat ever but I done told you dat befo'. Now den, dis is Friday. You kin fix it up wid dat man, en tell him you's gwine away to git de res' o' de money, en dat you'll be back wid it nex' Tuesday, or maybe Wednesday. You understan'?" Tom answered sullenly: "Yes."

Merlin broke in, rubbing his hands and smiling his lowdownest smile of malicious gratification: "'Tis well said, right well said! And 'tis enough of parleying, let my lord the king deliver the battle signal." The king had to yield. The bugle made proclamation, and we turned apart and rode to our stations.

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