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The following were among the most conspicuous, as given in an official list. Right Hon. Lord Wharncliffe; Marquis of Bath; Marquis of Lothian; Admiral, Right Hon. Lord Fitzardinge; Right Hon. Lord Claud Hamilton, M. P.; Right Hon. Viscount Lefford; Right Hon.

David, before Alexander's death, was Earl of the most English part of Lothian, the country held by Scottish kings, and Cumbria; and resided much at the court of his brother-in-law, Henry I. He associated, when Earl, with nobles of Anglo-Norman race and language, such as Moreville, Umfraville, Somerville, Gospatric, Bruce, Balliol, and others; men with a stake in both countries, England and Scotland.

The faithful friend who pointed out the pass by which the Highlanders moved from Tranent to Seaton was Robert Anderson, junior, of Whitburgh, a gentleman of property in East Lothian. He had been interrogated by the Lord George Murray concerning the possibility of crossing the uncouth and marshy piece of ground which divided the armies, and which he described as impracticable.

'You must know, began Sir Conan, 'that I was the only son of my parents, and the confines of my father's barony in Lothian were too small for my aspiring and my daring.

We returned to Blair-Adam in the evening, through "the wind but and the rain." For June weather it is the most ungenial I have seen. The beauty of Culross consists in magnificent terraces rising on the sea-beach, and commanding the opposite shore of Lothian; the house is repairing in the style of James the Sixth. The windows have pediments like Heriot's Work.

Sir Lothian has made an evil name for himself since 'tis the same Sir Lothian who shot Lord Carton in the affair at Chalk Farm but in those days there was nothing against him. The oldest of us was but twenty-four, and we gamed on, as I say, until the Captain had cleared the board. We were all hit, but our host far the hardest.

Do you, Sir Frederick, read these letters from Lothian and the west all is ripe for the sickle, and we have but to summon out the reapers." "With all my heart," said Mareschal; "the more mischief the better sport." Sir Frederick looked grave and disconcerted.

There was one note for you and one for Sir Lothian Hume, and I wish to God he had chosen a better messenger!" "This is a mystery indeed," said my uncle, bending his brows over the note. "What should he be doing at that house of ill-omen? And why does he sign himself 'him whom you knew as Jim Harrison? By what other style should I know him? Harrison, you can throw a light upon this. You, Mrs.

"There is no sign of my man yet. I won't come in until he arrives." "It is my duty to tell you that only ten minutes are left." "I make it five," cried Sir Lothian Hume. "That is a question which lies with the referee," said Craven, firmly. "My watch makes it ten minutes, and ten it must be."

When they had gone, my uncle mounted his curricle, and drove Ambrose and myself to the village. "We had best see your father at once, nephew," said he. "Sir Lothian and his man started some time ago. I should be sorry if there should be any hitch in our meeting."