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I pookered him I'd pii'd dui or trin curros levinor and was pash matto. An' he penned mandy, "My mush was matto sar tute, and I nashered him." I pookered him ajaw, "I hope not, rya, for such a bitti covvo as dovo; an' he aint cammoben to piin' levinor, he's only used to pabengro, that don't kair him matto." But kek, the choro mush had to jal avree.

My evil genius prompted me to ask for brandy-and-soda, which was the last thing I should have done, and Blackey said, "Us blokes can't go for sixpenny drinks. Let me 'ave a drappie levinor." The gipsy word for ale was quietly dropped in, and I ordered the right stuff as if nothing unusual had been said. Then it flashed on me.

Penned he: 'Where did tute latcher 'em? 'A rye del 'em a mandy. So he pet em adree his poachy, an' pookered mandy, 'What'll tu lel to pi? 'A droppi levinor. So he penned, 'Pauli the grais prasters, I'll jal atut the puvius and dick tute. "Eight or nine divvuses pauli, at the K'allis's Gav, his pal welled to mandy and pookered mi Job sus naflo.

"'Come pal, let's jal an' have a drappi levinor the boshomengri's odoi. 'Kek, pal, kekoomi I never pi'd a drappi levinor since my bibi's jalled. 'Kushto lel some tuvalo pal? 'Kek kek mandy never tooved since minno juvo pelled a lay in the panni, and never jalled avree kekoomi a jivaben. 'Well, let's jal and kair paiass with the koshters we dui'll play you dui for a pint o' levinor. 'Kek I never kaired the paiass of the koshters since my dadas mullered the last chairus I ever played was with him.

The tinker gazed at me admiringly, and then said, "You're 'deep' Gipsy, I see, sir that's what you are." "Mo rov a jaw; mo rakker so drovan?" I answered. "Don't talk so loud; do you think I want all the Gorgios around here to know I talk Gipsy? Come in; jal adree the ker and pi a curro levinor." The tinker entered.

And then we toves the wendror well Till sore the wendror iuziou se, Till kekkeno drab's adrey lis, Till drab there's kek adrey lis. And then his truppo well we hatch, Kin levinor at the kitchema, And have a kosko habben, A kosko Romano habben. The boshom engro kils, he kils, The tawnie juva gils, she gils A puro Romano gillie, Now shoon the Romano gillie.