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Updated: August 22, 2024

Did you know" he whispered exultingly "did you know that there is a hole through the earth's centre? Physicists have long suspected it; I was the first to find it. You have read how Rhuyghens, the Dutch navigator, discovered in Kerguellen's Land an abysmal pit which fourteen hundred fathoms of plumb-line failed to sound. Herr Tom, that hole has no bottom!

Give me your hand, my nephew in affliction as in affection!" Rivarol dashed away a not discreditable tear, and resumed: "My only hope lies in this discovery of perpetual motion. It will give me the fame, the wealth. Can Jocasta refuse these? If she can, there is only the trap-door and Kerguellen's Land!" I bashfully asked to see the perpetual-motion machine. My uncle in affliction shook his head.

When, at the end of a fortnight, I sought Rivarol's chamber, I passed with some little trepidation over the terminus of the Air Line to Kerguellen's Land, and evaded the extended arms of the Petty Cash Adjuster. Rivarol drew a mug of ale for me, and filled himself a retort of his own peculiar beverage. "Come," he said at length. "Let us drink success to the TACHYPOMP." "The TACHYPOMP?" "Yes.

I remember wondering, as I rushed through the darkness, whether I should reach Kerguellen's Land or stop at the centre. It seemed an eternity. Then my course was suddenly and painfully arrested. I opened my eyes. Around me were the walls of Professor Surd's study. Under me was a hard, unyielding plane which I knew too well was Professor Surd's study floor.

A trap, just outside my chamber door: a spring in here: a creditor on the trap: need I say more?" "But isn't it a trifle inhuman?" I mildly suggested. "Plunging an unhappy being into a perpetual journey to and from Kerguellen's Land, without a moment's warning." "I give them a chance. When they come up the first time I wait at the mouth of the shaft with a rope in hand.

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