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Updated: August 19, 2024

With regard to Christina Rossetti, while upon herself Christian dogma imposed infinite obligationsobligations which could never be evaded by her without the risk of all the penalties fulminated by all believersthere was in the order of things a sort of ether of universal charity for all others.

I never once thought of making something, as he calls it, out of my position." That night at the cafe Lemblin and the cafe Minerve Colonel Philippe fulminated against the Liberal party, which had raised subscriptions, sent heroes to Texas, talked hypocritically of Soldier-laborers, and left them to starve, after taking the money they had put into it, and keeping them in exile for two years.

Peter's, obtained an audience with the Pope, laid the case before him, and besought the penalty of excommunication to be fulminated against the hypocrite who had dared to use, as cover for most atrocious villany, the pure and sacred ordinances of the church.

Even without that advantage, it seems incredible that they should have been unable to pierce through the atmosphere of duplicity which surrounded them, and to obtain one clear glimpse of the destruction so, steadily advancing upon England. For the famous bull of Sixtus V. had now been fulminated.

He persuaded Suleyman Pacha that the Greeks would help him to dethrone Ali, for whom they cherished the deepest hatred, and he was determined that they should learn the sentence of deprivation and excommunication fulminated against the rebel pacha.

The young man swelled his scarlet breast still more consequentially. 'This is no house of thine, uncle, but my grandfar's. 'Young ass's colt! the printer fulminated. 'Would'st have thy sister undone by this Latin mouth-mincer? Udal grinned at him, and licked his lips. The printer snarled: 'Know'st thou not, young ass, that this man was thrown out of his mastership at Eton for his foul living?

Why had Polk fulminated first for 54:40 and faded off to the 49th parallel? England! He hated my mother country with a deep and rancorous hatred.

The consequence was that Napoleon instantly fulminated the following letter against his brother Louis: BROTHER At the very moment when you were making the fairest protestations I learn that the servants of my Ambassador have been ill-treated at Amsterdam. I insist that those who were guilty of this outrage be delivered up to me, in order that their punishment may serve as an example to others.

Pope Sextus V., besides giving the League his Papal blessing, had fulminated against the King of Navarre the awful thunders of excommunication. The bull of excommunication was exceedingly coarse and vulgar in its denunciatory terms, calling the King of Navarre "this bastard and detestable progeny of Bourbons."

He fulminated against German literature in the mass, philosophers, poets, historians, or philologists, and pronounced them all unworthy of attention. I defended them with the confidence of conviction and youth; when M. de Fontanes, turning to his neighbour on the other side, said to him, with a smile, "We can never make these Protestants give in."

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