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"He said so?" cried O'Toole. "Begorra, thot's th' firrust toime Oi ivver knew av anny wan thot had hearrud a dead mon talk!" "You think you kill um Del Norte?" asked the Indian. "Oi know Oi did onless a man can live wid a bullet clean through his head," declared the Irishman. Out of the shadows suddenly appeared a man, who exultantly cried, as he pointed a finger at O'Toole: "Diablo! I have you!

As many of the freshmen as could do so piled inside and upon the hack, and then Frank gave the signal, the driver whipped up his horse and away they went. "East Rock," said Frank. "Eh?" exclaimed the driver. "Thot's not pwhere ye wur goin' in th' firrust place." "We have changed the programme. East Rock is where we are bound for now." "All roight, me b'y."

Now, sur, in case ye wur on guarrud at noight, an' should foind yure post invaded by the simultaneous appearance av the commandant an' corporal av th' guarrud on th' roight, the gineral-in-chafe an' staff on th' left, an' a rigimint av red-headed girrulls behindt yez, all wearin' bloomers an' arrumed to th' tathe wid corrun-brooms an' feather-dusthers, which would yez advance firrust wid th' countysoign?"

"They have plenty of arms, Hogan." "Sure, that'll hilp 'em some. But Oi'm going to knock th' head off the spalpeen that firrust sticks his mug over that rail." "Your chance is coming," said Madden soberly, as he listened to the increasing noise of the oars. "Now, men," directed the American, "lie flat down behind the rail and use your sticks and hand pikes to prize off grapnels.

Porrfeeus dil Noort wur th' firrust man Oi ivver saw that made me fale as if bullets wouldn't kill him an' kape him dead. Wur he to roize before me this minute nivver a bit surphrised would Oi be." Although Merry jollied the Irishman, it was no easy matter to relieve O'Toole's nervousness.