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It was not Mr. Raleigh's custom to interfere; if people chose to drown themselves, he was not the man to gainsay them; but now, as his walk drew him toward her, it was the most natural thing in the world to pause and say, "Il serait fâcheux, Mademoiselle, lorsqu' on a failli faire naufrage, de se noyer" and, in want of a word, Mr.

I meant it as a surprise. When all was settled I sent for her and told her. Oh, monsieur, vous n'avez pas d'idée! Queue scène! Queue scène! J'ai failli en mourir." She wrung her clasped hands at the recollection. "That girl has an anger like a storm. Avec tous ses airs de reine et de sainte she was terrible. Never shall I forget it jamais! jam-ais! au grand jamais!

For instance, in Monsieur Alphonse, a husband, on discovering that his wife has had an intrigue before their marriage, and that a little girl whom she wishes to adopt is really her daughter, instantly raises her from the ground where she lies grovelling at his feet, and says: "Créature de Dieu, toi qui as failli et te repens, relève toi, je te pardonne."

* "Dans l'espace d'un an ils ont failli detruire le produit de plusieurs siecles de civilization." The principal cause of this is the despotism of the government in making the stage a mere political engine, and suffering the performance of such pieces only as a man of honesty or genius would not submit to write.*

* "Dans l'espace d'un an ils ont failli detruire le produit de plusieurs siecles de civilization." The principal cause of this is the despotism of the government in making the stage a mere political engine, and suffering the performance of such pieces only as a man of honesty or genius would not submit to write.*