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Updated: August 25, 2024

Quocum multa volup ac gaudia clamque palamque, Ingenium cui nulla malum sententia suadet Ut faceret facinus lenis aut malus, doctus fidelis Suavis homo facundus suo contentus beatus Scitus secunda loquens in tempore commodus verbum Paucum, multa tenens antiqua sepulta, vetustas Quem fecit mores veteresque novosque tenentem, Multorum veterum leges divumque hominumque, Prudenter qui dicta loquive tacereve possit.

The titles of some of Archbishop Turpin's chapters will show the nature of his history. They are these: "Of the Walls of Pampeluna, that fell of themselves." "Of the War of the holy Facundus, where the Spears grew."

And he required that therewith the strife should cease. But neither side accepted the condition. The westerns, especially Dacius, archbishop of Milan, and Facundus, bishop of Hermiane, vehemently attacked his Judgment. So did many African monks.

The life and trauailes of Baldwinus Deuonius, sometime Archbishop of Canterbury. Baldwinus Deuonius, tenui loco Excestrire natus, vir ore facundus, exactus Philosophus, et de omne studiorum genus per illos dies aptissimus inueniebatur.

This collection was made early in the Middle Ages, when it was much used for purposes of education. We append a few examples of these sayings: "Beneficium dando accipit, qui digno dedit." "Furor fit laesa saepius patientia." "Comes facundus in via pro vehiculo est." "Nimium altercando veritas amittitur." "Iniuriarum remedium est oblivio." "Malum est consilium quod mutari non potest."

The titles of some of Archbishop Turpin's chapters will show the nature of his history. They are these: "Of the Walls of Pampeluna, that fell of themselves." "Of the War of the holy Facundus, where the Spears grew."

Madame Connard put her head in for an instant, smiled, and cautiously closed the door; "He is still pretty young for his age," she said to herself. "Ah, these men! these men! that goes on to the very end." "Non formosus erat sed erat facundus Ulixes." Zulma had run forward to meet him. He took hold of both her hands and made her sit down close beside him on the sofa. Well, what is the news?

Rats and mice engender by licking one another, he must licke, he must croutch, he must cogge, lye and prate, that either in the Court or a forraine Countrey will engender and come to preferment. Bee his feature what it will, if he be faire spoken he winneth frends: Nonformosus erat, sed erat facundus Vlysses; Vlysses the long traueller was not amiable, but eloquent.

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