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All the tables were occupied, and there were several couples already on the dancing-floor in the centre. The band was playing 'Michigan': I want to go back, I want to go back To the place where I was born. Far away from harm With a milk-pail on my arm.

The music could not be too good, and if 'Thanase was already perceptibly a rival when hoisted up in a chair on top of a table, fiddle and bow in hand, "twisting," to borrow their own phrase "twisting the ears of that little red beast and rubbing his abdomen with a stick," it was just as well not to urge him to come down into the lists upon the dancing-floor.

If his pulses never quickened she, so I have been told, became what is called an altered being when he approached her from the other side of a dancing-floor. Her eyes followed him about full of trustfulness, of admiration, of gratitude, and of love. He was also, in a great sense, her pastor and guide and he guided her into what, for a girl straight out of a convent, was almost heaven.

"This is smooth water, Captain; what will she do when we get out to sea?" asked Louis. "We had a chance to try her yesterday in more than half a gale, and she behaved like a lady on a dancing-floor." "But she was not loaded down with coal then as she is now." "The extra weight will not disturb her; on the contrary, I think it will make her steadier."

He was, in fact, a trap-drummer: and it was his amiable practice, after he had done a few minutes trap-drumming, to rise from his seat and make a circular tour of the tables on the edge of the dancing-floor, whimsically pretending to clip the locks of the male patrons with a pair of drumsticks held scissor-wise. And so it came about that, just as Mr.

They bought a little bale of fragrant Kinnikinnick tobacco from the sutler, made a sufficiency of corncob pipes, swept off the ground in front of their house, which, as there had been no rain for several days, was in good condition, with brooms of brush, that it might serve for a dancing-floor, gathered in a stock of pitch-pine knots for their fire, spoke to Bunty Jim to bring his fiddle along, and to Uncle Sassafras, the Colonel's cook, to come down with his banjo, and their preparations were completed.