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For this, those other wives of his, they that were called the constellations, became displeased with that high-souled one. He always payeth court to Rohini only! Let not a great sin stain thee! And Daksha then said unto those daughters of his, 'Go, all of you, to the presence of Sasin.

"'Yudhishthira said, "It behoveth thee, O sire, to tell me those names by which Daksha, that progenitor of creatures, adored the great deity. O sinless one, a reverent curiosity impels me to hear them." "'Bhishma said, "Hear, O Bharata, what the names, both secret and proclaimed, are of that god of gods, that deity of extraordinary feats, that ascetic of secret vows.

Daksha, the father of Sati or Bhavani and father-in-law of the great god Siva, institutes a great sacrifice. The gods and sages assemble on the occasion, Daksha accords them a cordial reception. He bows down to the feet of the gods, and puts the dust from under them upon his head. He then proceeds to the place of sacrifice, reading or reciting the usual formulæ.

And the Mahameru is the auspicious and healthy abode even of the seven mind-born sons of Brahma, of whom Daksha was the seventh. And, O child, here it is that the seven celestial rishis with Vasishtha at their head rise and set.

Then the gods headed by Brahman, and that progenitor of creatures, viz., Daksha, joining their hands in reverence, addressed that mighty Being, saying, "Tell us, who thou art." "'Virabhadra said, "I am neither Rudra nor his spouse, the goddess Uma. Knowing the fact of Uma's wrath, the puissant Lord who is the soul of all creatures has given way to wrath.

Be gratified with me, blessed by thyself, O Bhava, with me possessed by the quality of Rajas. My Mind, my Understanding, and my Chitta all dwell in thee, O god! Indeed, highly gratified, the illustrious deity addressed Daksha, saying, 'O Daksha of excellent vows, pleased have I been with these adorations of thine. Thou needst not praise me more. Thou shalt attain to my companionship.

Even these were the words of that illustrious progenitor of all creatures, that god of three eyes, that protector of righteousness. Having obtained that boon from Bhava, Daksha knelt down to him and adored that deity having the bull for his mark, by uttering his thousand and eight names."

And influenced by their charms he dwelt there for a long time, giving them his heart and filled with an intense love for them. And baffled in all his efforts to win the hearts of those Brahmana ladies, and his own heart tortured by love, he repaired to a forest with the certain object of destroying himself. A little while before, Swaha, the daughter of Daksha, had bestowed her love on him.

Those fierce bands of spirits, endued with terrible energy and prowess and resembling Rudra himself on that account, rushed with the force of thunder to that place where Daksha was making preparations for his sacrifice, impelled by the desire of destroying it. Possessed of dreadful and gigantic forms, they numbered by hundreds and thousands.

"'Daksha said, "We have many Rudras armed with lances and bearing matted locks on their heads. They are eleven in number. "'Dadhichi said, "This seems to be the counsel of all that are here, viz., that Maheswara should not be invited.