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I have lain awake cwying half the night when you have been vexed with me and have gone away without saying good-night." "Poor child!" sighed Arthur softly. His face was pale, and wore a troubled expression, very different from that of the ordinary happy lover who has just listened to such a speech from his lady's lips. "And I have loved you, too, Rosalind; but I never intended to let you know it.

By gwacious, if you aren't cwying! Go to bed, both of you; I'll go to the club." He went accordingly; and the women, who could ill console each other, were about to go to their own rooms when the door-bell rang again. "What next, I wonder?" asked Marcia, in despair. "Please, Ma'am," said the servant, "there's a man at the door, who looks quare, and says, if he can't see Mr.

'She's cwying, announced Bobby, twisting his head round to look up into her face. Betty turned round furiously; a sharp push sent Bobby to the ground, and in falling he struck his head against one of the feet of the nursery table. There was a howl, general confusion, and nurse appeared, to discover and chastise the offender.

She was describing for instance a certain ducal household in which she had just been spending the week-end, and Marsworth heard her say She found out afterwards they came from a nurse-maid she had sent away. "Madam, don't you talk to us, but look at 'ome! examine your own nursewy, Madam, and hold your tongue!" She did examine, and I found her cwying.