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"A line of oil run around the coffin will keep the insects away," Rachel ventured. Kenkenes returned to the outer chamber for the jar of oil; but Rachel took it from him. "Let me be thy handmaid," she said softly. He did not protest, and she reentered the crypt. "Luckily the mattress is large enough for the two of you," Kenkenes observed to Deborah, "but it will be hard sleeping."

From the crypt, a winding stairway in the wall led up to a chamber above the choir, whence, unseeing and unseen, the White Ladies of Worcester daily heard the holy monks below chant Vespers.

Two others are inserted in the wall of the Baptistery of St. John Lateran, between the vestibule and the octagonal area containing the so-called gigantic font in which Constantine was baptized. A very interesting stone hangs suspended from the gilded iron grating which protects the crypt or confessional of St.

Within the church corresponds in shape with the crypt; two magnificent windows east and west are worthy of a much larger building. Those on each side are of recent date, having been reconstructed from a filled-in window on the south side of the chancel. The reliquary contains a great treasure a portion of the hand of St.

Here grandmother paused, as if she would collect in her mind the memories of a greater and heavier affliction. Not a sound reached us down there even the crypt door was closed; the moaning of the wind did not reach so far; no sound, only the beating of the hearts of three living beings.

Vivantius, accompanied by some of the Christian brethren, claimed the body, and buried it with the remains of the other martyrs in the crypt of St. John the Baptist, and the Church venerated the memory of Saint Theodore the Nubian.

But the sweet ignorance of the baby, which rightly considered is more than a type or symbol of faith, operated most healingly; for she appeared in her sweet merry ways no baby was ever more filled with the mere gladness of life than Connie's baby to the mood in which they all were, like a little sunny window in a cathedral crypt, telling of a whole universe of sunshine and motion beyond those oppressed pillars and low-groined arches.

By the Prince's will he had left directions that he should be buried in the crypt, where he had already founded a chantry, at the time of his marriage with the "Fair Maid of Kent" in 1363. But for some unknown reason, probably in order that the dead hero's bones might be placed in the most sacred spot possible he was laid to rest by the side of the martyr, then in the zenith of his sanctity.

They have awakened and set leaping and quivering in his crypt for ever the coward in the hearts of kings. When Jack the Giant-Killer really first saw the giant his experience was not such as has been generally supposed. If you care to hear it I will tell you the real story of Jack the Giant-Killer.

This would be a circumstance, doubtless, totally unworthy to dwell in the memory of so rigid an anchorite; yet, I think, were you to search yonder crypt once more, you would find that I am right in my conjecture." The hermit only replied by a grin; and returning to the hutch, he produced a leathern bottle, which might contain about four quarts.