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I pet em adree my poachy an' jailed apre the purge and latched odoi my pal's chavo, an' he pook'd mandy, 'Where you jallin to, kako? And I penned: 'Job, I've lelled some covvas for tute. 'Tacho, says he so I del him the cigaras.

A Gipsy's Letter to his Sister. Drabbing Horses. Fortune Telling. Cock Shys. "Hatch 'em pauli, or he'll lel sar the Covvas!" Two German Gipsy Letters. I shall give in this chapter a few curious illustrations of Gipsy life and character, as shown in a letter, which is illustrated by two specimens in the German Rommany dialect.

A bitti chavo jalled adree the boro gav pash his dadas, an' they hatched taller the hev of a ruppenomengro's buddika sar pordo o' kushti-dickin covvas. "O dadas," shelled the tikno chavo, "what a boro choromengro dovo mush must be to a' lelled so boot adusta rooys an' horas!" "O father," cried the small boy, "what a great thief that man must be to have got so many spoons and watches!"

This was the culminating point; he burst into an irrepressible laugh; he couldn't help it the thing had been done too well. "But you haven't heard all yet," I added. "There's more covvas to well." "No, she didn't." "No," I replied. "And what did they do?" His jaw fell; a glossy film came over his panther-eyes.

"Rommanys never lel kaulo matchers adree the ker, 'cause they're mullos, and beng is covvas; and the puro beng, you jin, is kaulo, an' has shtor herros an' dui mushis an' a sherro. But pauno matchers san kushto, for they're sim to pauno ghosts of ranis."

Some chivs covvas pash the mullos adree the puv, and boot adusta don't." Dighton told me the other day, that three thousand pounds were hidden with one of the Chilcotts. And I have heard of some Stanleys who were buried with gold rings on their fingers. 'Do all the Gipsies do that? No! some put things with the dead in the earth, and many do not."

'Kako, tute jins the cigarras you del a mandy? 'Avali, I says he, 'I've got 'em acai in my poachy. Mandy and my pens was by him, but his romni was avree, adree the boro tan, bikinin covvas, for she'd never lelled the bugni, nor his chavos, so they couldn't well a dickin, for we wouldn't mukk em. And so he mullered.

Adoi I jalled from the gudli 'dree the toss-ring for a pashora, when I dicked a waver mush, an' he putched mandy, 'What bak? and I penned pauli, 'Kek bak; but I've got a bittus left. So I wussered with lester an' nashered saw my covvas my chukko, my gad, an' saw, barrin' my rokamyas. Then I jalled kerri with kek but my rokamyas an I borried a chukko off my pen's chavo.

So they bitchered her for shurabun. I've got kek gry and can't lel no wongur to kin kek. My kamli chavi, if you could bitch me a few bars it would be cammoben. I rikkers my covvas apre mi dumo kenna.