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The immediate shores of the lagoon are windy and blinding; Tembinok' himself is glad to grope blue-spectacled on his terrace; and we fled the neighbourhood of the red conjunctiva, the suppurating eyeball, and the beggar who pursues and beseeches the passing foreigner for eye wash.

There was complete anesthesia of the right eyebrow and of both eyelids and of the right cheek for an uncertain distance below the lower eyelid. The conjunctiva of the right eye became congested, and a small ulcer formed on the right cornea, which healed without much trouble.

What connection is there between a sad idea and this limpid, salt liquid, filtered through a little gland at the external corner of the eye, which moistens the conjunctiva and the small lachrymal points, whence it descends into the nose and mouth through the reservoir called the lachrymal sack and its ducts?

The excrement was dark and fetid, and the conjunctiva had a strong yellow tint. Leeches were again employed; emollient lotions and aperient medicines were resorted to. The sensibility of the spine and back was worse than ever; the animal lay on his belly, stretching out his four limbs, his neck fixed, his jaws immovable, his voice hoarse, and he was utterly unable to move.

The eyes may remain open for such long periods of time that the conjunctiva and sclera may become quite dry and ulcerate. In these extreme cases there is, of course, no response to verbal commands. What is more striking, no reaction appears to pin pricks, so that it seems as if consciousness of pain were lost. This deep torpor does not usually persist indefinitely.

The "oblong marrow"; that portion of the brain which lies upon the basilar process of the occipital bone. Meibomian. A term applied to the small glands between the conjunctiva and tarsal cartilages, discovered by Meibomius. Membrana Tympani. Literally, the membrane of the drum; a delicate partition separating the outer from the middle ear; it is sometimes popularly called "the drum of the ear."

The eye is well opened, with thick and curly lashes, but the tunica conjunctiva is rarely of a pure white; the large teeth are of good shape and colour. Extensive tattoos appear on breasts, backs, and shoulders; the wearers are generally slaves, also known by scantier clothing, by darker skins, and by a wilder expression of countenance.

Adler reports a case of fracture of the superior maxillary in which the dislocated bone-fragment of the lower orbital border, through pressure on the inferior maxillary and counter pressure on the skull, caused rupture of the conjunctiva of the left eye. Serious Sequelae of Orbital Injuries.

From the skin the horny plate also arises the delicate conjunctiva, which afterwards covers the outer surface of the eyeball. All these important parts of the eye are products of the outer germinal layer. The outer protection of the eye, the eye-lids, are merely folds of the skin, which are formed in the third month of human embryonic life.

In the countenance of the naturally savage brute, or him that has been trained to be savage, there is indeed a fearful change; sometimes the conjunctiva is highly injected; at other times it is scarcely affected, hut the eyes have an unusually bright and dazzling appearance.