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"Ilia subter Caecum vulnus habes; sed lato balteus auro Praetegit." Persius. Several days elapsed before the family of the manor-house encountered Aram again. The old woman came once or twice to present the inquiries of her master as to Miss Lester's accident; but Aram himself did not appear.

We need not be surprised to find, then, that part of his ancient outfit is ill adapted to modern conditions of life. Man's great bowel, including the caecum, appendix, and colon, which answered his needs well when his dietary was coarse and uncooked, is ill contrived to deal with foods which are artificially prepared and highly concentrated.

Brace that it is becoming quite a common practice in the United States to remove some of the molar teeth of children, as the jaw does not grow large enough for the perfect development of the normal number. Prof. With respect to the alimentary canal, I have met with an account of only a single rudiment, namely the vermiform appendage of the caecum.

An over-distended caecum, or sigmoid flexure, from pressure, may produce dropsy, numbness or cramps in the right or left lower extremity. The reports of the Post-mortem examination of the colons of hundreds of subjects reveals a series of horrors more weird and ghastly than were ever penned by Eugene Sue, or Emile Zola.

The rectum is the terminal portion of the intestinal tract. It is about one and one-half feet in length and possesses heavy, elastic walls. Fermentation and cellulose digestion occur in the caecum and double colon. It is in the floating colon that the faeces are moulded into balls. The faeces are retained in the rectum until defecation takes place.

"Ilia subter Caecum vulnus habes; sed lato balteus auro Praetegit." Persius. Several days elapsed before the family of the manor-house encountered Aram again. The old woman came once or twice to present the inquiries of her master as to Miss Lester's accident; but Aram himself did not appear.

Kite, killed by a game-cock. Knot, retention of winter plumage by the. Knox, R., on the semilunar fold; on the occurrence of the supra-condyloid foramen in the humerus of man; on the features of the young Memmon. Koala, length of the caecum in. Kobus ellipsiprymnus, proportion of the sexes in. Kolreuter, on the sterility of hybrid plants. Koodoo, development of the horns of the; markings of the.

They have retained some at least of the upper incisor teeth, and, except in some rhinoceroses, the canines are also left; the molars and premolars are practically alike in all recent species, and in all of which we know the soft parts, the stomach has but one compartment, and there is an enormous caecum.

Species Organ Ascaris suis Intestines Oesophagostomum dentatum Large intestine Trichocephalus crenatus Large intestine Trichina spiralis Muscles and intestines Strongylus paradoxus Trachea and bronchi Sclerostoma pingencola Renal fat and kidney Species Organ Ascaris inflexa Intestine Spiroptera hamulosa Gizzard Heterakis papillosa Caecum Syngamus trachealis Trachea and bronchi

It is true that the Amphibia have two lungs, right and left. Ventral and pectoral walls are removed. The greater part of the body-cavity is taken up with the liver, from the middle part of which the caecum and the vermiform appendix protrude. Immediately behind the single structure of the thyroid gland a median groove, the rudiment of the trachea, is detached from the gullet.