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Whenever he made a movement, the enemy did the same. It was a long time before he could think of any plan that would give him a chance of getting away. One at length occurred to him. Although unable to reload the rifle with a bullet, the thought came into his mind, that the borele might be blinded by a heavy charge of powder, or so confused by it as to give him an opportunity of stealing away.

These four kinds are known among the natives as the "borele," the "keitloa," the "muchocho," and "kobaoba." The two first are "black rhinoceroses," that is, the general colour of their skin is dark while the "muchocho" and "kobaoba" are white varieties, having the skin of a dingy whitish hue.

The posterior horn in this species is only a sort of knob; whereas in the "keitloa," or two-horned black rhinoceros, both horns are developed to a nearly equal length. In the "muchocho" and "kobaoba," the after horns can hardly be said to exist, but the anterior one in both species far exceeds in length those of the borele and keitloa.

On reaching the camp, Willem and Hendrik found their companions anxiously awaiting their return. The horses and cattle had all been recovered, and the borele that had caused their dispersion had been shot by Hans and Arend. Its attack had caused a delay of two days, and the loss of an ox.

In the "borele" they stand erect, curving slightly backwards, and one behind the other. The anterior horn is the longer rarely above eighteen inches in length but it is often broken or rubbed shorter, and in no two individuals is there equality in this respect.

His mistake did not originate in any want of knowledge, or presence of mind, but rather from carelessness and an unworthy estimate of the abilities of the borele to overtake him. He had long been a successful hunter, and success too often begets that over-confidence which leads to many a mischance, that the more cautious sportsman will avoid.

"We know now how long you are capable of running. You can lead a borele a chase of just twelve hours and ten seconds." Groot Willem was for some time unspeakably happy, and said not a word until they had returned to the place where the lion had been killed. Here they stopped for the purpose of recovering the saddle and bridle from the carcass of the horse.

But Arend Von Wyk was a hunter, and an officer of the Cape Militia, and as the borele passed by him, presenting a fine opportunity for a shot, he could not resist the temptation to give it one. Pulling up his horse, or rather trying to do so, for the animal was restive in the presence of such danger, he fired. The shot produced a result that was neither expected nor desired.

Such a "rude hunter" as Gordon Cumming, for example, has done more to increase the knowledge of African zoology than a whole college full of "speculating" savans. These four kinds are known among the natives as the "borele," the "keitloa," the "muchocho," and "kobaoba."

Arend was astonished, but soon discovered the cause of this eccentric action, in the presence of a huge black rhinoceros, the borele which was making a straight course across the plain, as if on its way to the river. The runaway horse had shied out of its way; and it would have been well for the horseman if he had shown himself equally discreet.