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Updated: August 21, 2024

No actual proof of this was given, nor did Woodburn mention Jennens' ownership. III. The Croker portrait. We have it on the authority of Boaden that this portrait, which he said was the property of the Right Hon. J. Wilson Croker, was a replica of the Janssen. There was a mystery, not in the least cleared up, concerning these two pictures and their history.

To the idle, then, I offer these lightest of leaves gathered in the idle end of autumn days, which have succeeded years of labor often severe and sad enough, though its ostensible purpose was only that of affording recreation to the public. There are two lives of my aunt Siddons: one by Boaden, and one by the poet Campbell.

He appeared at Manchester with fifty men armed and mounted, and his force had trebled before he reached Boaden Downs. The neighbouring counties were violently agitated. It had been arranged that Danby should seize York, and that Devonshire should appear at Nottingham. At Nottingham no resistance was anticipated. But at York there was a small garrison under the command of Sir John Reresby.

The True Briton, a government organ in the 1790's, which afterwards assimilated Cobbett's Porcupine. The Star was founded by Peter Stuart, Daniel Stuart's brother, in 1788. It was the first London evening paper to appear regularly. The Traveller, founded about 1803, still flourishes under the better-known title of The Globe. Este ... Topham ... Boaden. Parson Este, the Rev.

'When Kemble sat to me for Richard III., meeting the children, he lent me no assistance whatever in the expression I wished to give, but remained quite immoveable, as if he were sitting for an ordinary portrait. As Boaden said, this was his way. He never put himself to any exertion except in his professional character.

Boaden of this extraordinary entertainment, that when it commenced Mr.

The appointment of a regular wit has long ceased to be a part of the economy of a Morning Paper. Parson Este, and Topham, brought up the set custom of "witty paragraphs," first in the "World." Boaden was a reigning paragraphist in his day, and succeeded poor Allen in the Oracle. But, as we said, the fashion of jokes passes away; and it would be difficult to discover in the Biographer of Mrs.

Ireland, with respect to Sheridan's want of enthusiasm for Shakspeare, receives some confirmation from the testimony of Mr. Boaden, the biographer of Kemble, who tells us that "Kemble frequently expressed to him his wonder that Sheridan should trouble himself so little about Shakspeare."

She ended her London career in 1816 and died in 1829. Of all the actors. The London Magazine article began at this point. G.H. Boaden and George Colman both bear out Lamb's eulogy of Bensley as Malvolio; but otherwise he is not the subject of much praise. Venetian incendiary. Pierre in Otway's "Venice Preserved." Lamb appended the passage in a footnote in the London Magazine.

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