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Perhaps our good friend Ashpenaz will have no objection to gaze on two beauties instead of one." "All the better, my friend." A female servant was sent to the young ladies' room to inform them that they were wanted below, and in a few minutes the two girls were seen, side by side, marching into the presence of the delighted officers. Perreeza never appeared lovelier.

Barzello took the maid of Judah by the hand, and, approaching his friend, said: "This is young Perreeza, of the royal line of Judah, who, of her own accord, accompanied her brothers to the land of the Chaldeans, and has seen fit to favor us with her company." "No very small favor, Barzello," cried Ashpenaz, bowing low. "I hope the partiality of the gods will not make us quarrel."

"To-morrow, then," said Ashpenaz, "ye shall enter upon new duties, and commence your important studies. Your teachers are in readiness men of superior powers of mind, and well versed in the art of teaching.

Attired in the rich, flowing simplicity of her Hebrew costume, with a degree of blushing modesty on her yet animated countenance, she appeared almost angelic. Jupheena, perfectly acquainted with her father's friend, felt not the least embarrassment. "Two beauties instead of one, surely," said Ashpenaz, gazing with wonder on the fair form of Perreeza.

Daniel opened the door, and, finding there a servant of Ashpenaz, addressed him: "Will the servant of our noble master have the kindness to convey to him a message, in few words, from one of the youths of Judah?" "The servant of my lord Ashpenaz will always be happy to do all in his power for the comfort and happiness of those from Judah; and any message to my lord I am ready to convey."

"I have all confidence in the judgment and wisdom of my worthy friend," answered Ashpenaz, "and it affords me much pleasure to hear such a favorable report of those who are to be placed under my charge; and I assure my good Barzello, that their worth and excellence will be duly noticed and appreciated."

So he came to Ashpenaz, who was that eunuch to whom the care of them was committed, and desired him to take and spend what was brought for them from the king, but to give them pulse and dates for their food, and any thing else, besides the flesh of living creatures, that he pleased, for that their inclinations were to that sort of food, and that they despised the other.

"This is my noble friend, Ashpenaz, a high officer of the king at the palace. From this hour ye are to be under his special directions." "Thy servants," replied Daniel, bowing gracefully, "will be greatly delighted to be placed in any spot where they can be of service to their worthy superiors."

Perfect stillness being secured, Ashpenaz arose with dignity, and, bowing low to the sovereign, proceeded: "According to appointment, O king, behold these young men are conducted hither for public examination in the presence of their illustrious sovereign, and in the presence of these, his nobles."

The contest was long, and of a thrilling nature; and not until the king was convinced that he was dealing with his superiors did he cry out, in a loud voice: "It is enough!" Every eye rested on Ashpenaz, as he stood ready to announce the names of those whom the king wished to honor. "Belteshazzar!"