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Updated: August 23, 2024

Already Joan grew zealous in thought for Mary. She would teach her something of that sweet wisdom which was to support her own burden in the future; she would tell her about Nature the "All-Mother" as "Mister Jan" called her once. And, concerning Joe Noy might it be within the bounds of possibility, within the power of time to bring these two together again?

I felt little prickles in the roots of my hair as he went over; and I rejoiced above all things to realize that he sang just as well as, yes maybe a little better than that first one did, that I heard in the winter woods some forty years ago. The Fingerboard Goldenrod "Oh, Mother Carey! All-mother! Lover of us little plants as well as the big trees! Listen to us little slender Goldenrods.

Here at the side of the picture, is one of these hairs seen under a microscope. Where did the Woolly-bear come from? It was hatched from an egg last summer. And now what is going to happen? It will stuff itself with rib-grass or other low plants, till it has grown bigger; then it will get a warning from the All-mother to prepare for the great change.

Their own strength, too, in spite of the long fast and the incredible hardships, held out well. For now that civilization was a thing of the oblivious past, they shared the vital forces and the very powers of Mother Nature herself. And, like two favored children of that all-mother, they slowly made their way to land.

In the seventh century the All-Mother, Asia, claimed Africa again for her own and blew a cloud of Semitic Mohammedanism all across North Africa, veiling the dark continent from Europe for a thousand years and converting vast masses of the blacks to Islam. The Portuguese began to raise the veil in the fifteenth century, sailing down the Atlantic coast and initiating the modern slave trade.

She had not had time to prepare the little bitter barbs she had meant to fling against the girl's heart, and is now slightly taken aback. However, Nature, the All-Mother, has been generous to Tessie in the way of venom, and after a moment or two she tells herself that she will be able to get through this interview with honour. "My dear Tita. You! So glad! Pray come and sit down."

Then Dame Nature, who is sometimes called the All-mother, or Mother Carey, said: "Dear me, this will never do! No songbirds, woods silent all through the dog-days. Now who will be strike-breakers and volunteer to supply the music till the birds get once more in a good humour?"

So one day as Mother Carey's slowest steed was swishing over the grass, Blue-curls cried out: "Mother Carey, Mother Carey, won't you hear me and grant me a gift?" "What is it, little one?" said the All-mother.

I warned you that your beauty would bring terrible trouble with it." They bowed their little heads in silent sorrow, for they knew that that was true. "Now," said the All-Mother, "do you wish to go back and be ugly again?" They whispered together and said: "No, Mother Carey, it is better to be beautiful and die."

All-mother! Mater Cara! I have never seen you, but I hungered so to know you that I understood it when you came, unseen, and silently whispered to me that first time in the long ago.

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