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By and by everything was quiet again, when another gong went off. "Well, I declare!" said Mrs. Minturn. "I do believe Dorothy has been up to some pranks." "Ding a-ling a-long a-ling!" went the clock, and Nellie was laughing outright, as she searched about the room for the newest alarm. She had a good hunt, too, for the clock was in the shoe box in the farthest corner of the room.

For the last time and a-long time You know where, and a-I don't care!" The dance was saved by the big cowpuncher with the peeling nose and the twinkly gray eyes. Mary Hope had never seen him before that day, but whenever she looked at him a lump came in her throat, a warm rush of sheer gratitude thrilled her.

'We've picked up a lubber in New Bedford town, Come away, away, sto-r-m along, John, Get a-long, storm a-long, storm's g-one along, 'Our lubber's lugger-rigged, and we'll do him brown, Come away, away, sto-r-m along, John, Get a-long, storm a-long, storm's g-one along.

A regiment of tanned and grizzled veterans from Ohio lay next to the 200th Ind., and as Si lay there he heard them take up the music: "Git yer qui-nine! Git yer qui-nine! Tumble up you sick and lame and blind; Git a-long right smart, you'll be left be-hind." "Fall in fer yer ipecac!" shouted the Orderly of Co. Q. Si joined the procession and went wabbling up to the "doctor's" shop.

The Sor-cer-ess, Glin-da the Good, trans-port-ed me to this place in the wink of an eye; but here I met the Nome King him-self old Rug-ge-do, who is called in these parts the Met-al Mon-arch. Rug-ge-do knew what I had come for, and he was so an-gry that he threw me down the well. Af-ter my works ran down I was help-less un-til you came a-long and pulled me out a-gain. Ma-ny thanks."

Now we are a-cross the riv-er, and now we must get on the car, musn’t we? What car must we get on? O I see it now, the yellow car. Now we are going a-long and I can see—O what a pret-ty dress in that store. O what real nice can-dy that is. I wish I had some don’t you? Now we’re at the house. Is it the one on the cor-ner, or the next one to it, or is it the brick house with the green blinds?