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The Prince Primate entered into some details regarding this Golden Bull, which he said was made in 1409; whereupon the Emperor Napoleon pointed out to him that the date which was assigned to the Golden Bull was not correct, and that it was proclaimed in 1336, during the reign of the Emperor Charles IV. 'That is true, Sire, replied the Prince Primate I was mistaken; but how does it happen that your Majesty is so well acquainted with these matters? 'When I was a mere sub- lieutenant in the artillery, said Napoleon, at this beginning, there was on the part of the guests a marked movement of interest, and he continued, smiling, when I had the honor to be simply sub- lieutenant in the artillery I remained three years in the garrison at Valence, and, as I cared little for society, led a very retired life.

In 1367 the University by statute ratified and confirmed its title to the books, and published regulations for their use, but the quarrel with Oriel continued till 1409, when the Cobham Library was for the first time properly furnished and opened as a place for study and reference. The librarian of the old Cobham Library had an advantage over Mr. Nicholson, the Bodley librarian of to-day.

After years of discussion and fruitless negotiations between the rival popes and their cardinals, members of both of the colleges decided in 1409 to summon a council at Pisa, which should put an end to the schism. While large numbers of churchmen answered the summons and the various monarchs took an active interest in the council, its action was hasty and ill-advised.

In 1409 a body of Welshmen poured ravaging into Shropshire; many of the English towns had fallen into Glyndwr's hands; and some of the Marcher Lords made private truces with him. The weakness which was produced by this ill-success in the West as well as these constant battlings with disaffection within the realm was seen in the attitude of the Lollards.

To this day it may be seen that there is no bond between the different periods of masonry, and that the courses are at different levels. For the explanation of the erection of this Decorated arch, see the architectural account of the transepts. The piers were probably completely recased by 1409. Nothing is known of the elder Romeyn's tower, or the manner in which the present one replaced it.

Tradition has preserved their names, like those of the bears of Emperor Valentinian I. In May, 1409, when war was going on, and the starving populace cried to him in the streets, Pace!

The peace was occasionally broken in intervals of truce, and the advantage was usually on the side of the Scots. In 1409 the Earl of March returned to his allegiance and received back his estates. Albany's attention was now diverted by a danger threatened by the Highland portion of the kingdom.