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It is not long since the citizens of Glasgow were treated to the spectacle of a full-sized British "Zep" circling round the city prior to her journey south, and so to regions unspecified. And use, too, is being found by the naval arm for that curious hybrid the "Blimp", which may be described as a cross between an aeroplane and an air-ship.

"As a secondary consideration she may be trying to ruin England because she has failed to get in the knock-out blow; that is more likely," reasoned the Colonel. "She has tried hard enough to give the knock-out both in the first rush to Paris, at Ypres, at Verdun, at the battle of Jutland, and by her Zep and submarine campaigns. Hitherto she has failed.

"Not a sound, young man, if you value your life. Who and what are you?" "I -I'm a Pu -Pu -Pony Rider Boy." "A what?" "A Pu -Pony Rider Boy." "What are you doing here?" "Ga -gathering firewood." "Who is your party?" "Pro -professor Ze -Zep -Zepplin and the boys," stammered the fat boy, trembling at the knees. "I haven't done anything, but I'm a bu -bu -bad man when I get ma -mad."

"Fine lot o' gunners we got couldn't 'it a Zep 'alf a yard orf! They ain't worth the grub they get!" We returned to our marquee and sat down on our kits. My friend Private Black came in after us, smiling ruefully. I asked him what was the matter. "I was playing the piano in the Sergeants' Mess when the first one dropped. We all jumped up together and rushed out.

Sharp, stabbing shafts of light from the powerful electric lanterns shot aloft, and now and then one of them would rest for an instant on a great silvery cigar-shape the gas bag of the big German airships that were beating their way toward Paris, there to deal death and destruction. "Come on!" cried Tom, as his mechanician started the motor. "I'm going to get a Zep!"