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"Why, I could show her a barrel of eagles' nests! I know whur there's a coyote den with pups in it! I know whur there's a petrified tree and oceans of Injun arrer heads, if she'd jest waited. But if anybody thinks I'm goin' to melt my boot-heels down taggin' a worman, they're mistaken!" Pinkey stamped off to the bunk-house and slammed the door behind him. "Where's Pinkey?"

A small railway station is now on the spot, which bears the name Ramses. Cf. Benha is now a somewhat important railway station about thirty miles north of Cairo. On Damira see Schechter, Saadyana, p. 82; Worman, J.Q.R., XVIII, 10. The zoologist Damiri was born here.

The canal thus formed, which is 207 miles in length, was called after Joseph. The storehouses of Joseph are repeatedly mentioned by Arabic writers. Cf. Israel Abrahams, in J. Q.R., XVII, 427 sqq., and Mr. E.J. Worman, vol.

But Luther has not been a Jewbaiter; he has not incited a riot against then, nor headed a raid upon them, as Prof. Worman tells us that Catholic priests in the Middle Ages occasionally would do. What Luther thought of persecuting the Jews for their religion can be seen from his exposition of Psalm 14.

Worman, "who rose above the barbarism of the Middle Ages. By considerable pecuniary sacrifices only could the sons of Israel enjoy tolerance. In Italy their lot had always been most severe. Now and then a Roman pontiff would afford them his protection, but, as a rule, they have received only intolerance in that country.

"If there's anything in signs I ought to be turrible jealous the way my eyebrows grow together." "Aren't you?" indifferently. "Me jealous? Nobody could make me jealous, especially a worman." "You're lucky!" Wallie spoke with unnecessary emphasis. "It's an uncomfortable sensation." Pinkey shifted uneasily and picked a bit of bark off the corral pole.