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And of that cytee was Raab the comoun womman, that ascaped allone, with hem of hire lynage; and sche often tyme refressched and fed the messageres of Israel, and kepte hem from many grete periles of dethe: and therfore sche hadde gode reward; as Holy Writt seythe: Qui accipit prophetam in nomine meo, mercedem prophetae accipiet; that is to seye, He that takethe a prophete in my name, he schalle take mede of the prophete: and so had sche; for sche prophecyed to the messageres, seyenge, Novi quod Dominus tradet vobis Terram hanc; that is to seye, I wot wel, that oure Lord schal betake zou this Lond: and so he dide.

And therfore may no man in that contree seyn, this is my wyf: ne no womman may seye, this is myn husbonde. And whan thei han children, thei may zeven hem to what man thei wole, that hathe companyed with hem. And also all the lond is comoun: for alle that a man holdethe o zeer, another man hathe it another zeer. And every man takethe what part that him lykthe.

And zif that sche love more to lyve with here children, than for to dye with hire husbonde, men holden hire for fals and cursed; ne schee schalle never ben loved ne trusted of the peple. And zif the womman dye before the husbonde, men brennen him with hire, zif that he wole; and zif he wil not, no man constreynethe him thereto; but he may wedde another tyme with outen blame and repreef.

And Jhesus seyde to hir, Thi synnes ben forgiuen to thee. But he seide to the womman, Thei feith hath maad thee saaf; go thou in pees." Maude added no words of her own. She closed the book, and relapsed into silence. But Custance's solemn stillness was broken at last. "Nay, dear my Lady," answered Maude, "it were not enough.

And after Salomon, Naasones sone, wedded hire; and fro that tyme was sche a worthi womman, and served God wel. Upon that hille, the enemy of helle bare our Lord, and tempted him, and seyde; Dic ut lapides isti panes fiant; that is to seye, Sey, that theise stones be made loves.

And in another yle ben folk that ben bothe man and womman: and thei han kynde of that on and of that other; and thei han but o pappe on the o syde, and on that other non: and thei han membres of generacioun of man and womman; and thei usen bothe, whan hem list, ones that on, and another tyme that other: and thei geten children, whan thei usen the membre of man; and thei bere children, whan thei usen the membre of womman.

And Jhesus answerde and seide to him, Symount, I han sum thing to seye to thee. And he seide, Maistir, seye thou. Who thanne loueth him more? Symount answerde and seide, I gesse that he to whom he forgaf more. And he turnide to the womman, and seyde to Symount, Seest thou this womman?