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We are searching for clews to the perpetrators, some of whom must still be in the neighborhood. Have you seen any strange or suspicious characters around lately?" "I should say we hed," exclaimed Jeb emphatically. "I seen the wo'st lookin' gang o' bums come outen my hay barn this mornin' thet I ever seed in my life. They must o' ben upward of a dozen on 'em.

"What direction?" she added, with a flush of sudden alarm. "Mrs. Lander." "Why, suttainly!" she answered, in quick relief. "I wish you'd let me do some of the worrying about her for you, while I'm here. You know I haven't got anything else to do!" "Why, I don't believe I worry much. I'm afraid I fo'get about her when I'm not with her. That's the wo'st of it."

He chewed his cigar purty nigh up to the middle of it before he answered, and when he spoke it was a soft kind of a drawl not mad or loud but like they was sorrowful thoughts working in him. "Yo' all done struck the wo'st paht o' the South to peddle yo' niggah medicine in, sah. I reckon yo' must love 'em a heap to be that concerned over the colour of their skins."

"The orneriest ones of the whole bunch. An', believe me! this is the wo'st crew of dock scrapings I ever set eyes on," growled Tyke. "Ditty did a lot of talking in the boat I watched 'em through my glass. Them six are his close friends, Cap'n Rufe. They've laid their plans " "Holy mackerel!" exclaimed Captain Hamilton. "What are you saying, Tyke?"

'Missis Susie' had inherited consumption, and that and trouble and danger had 'wo'n her life away, as the woman said, with big tears dropping upon her dark cheeks. 'This las', she concluded, 'hit's been the wo'st of all. An' that sick boy! Missis Susie prayed 'em to let him go away to the hospital, when he was hurt and couldn't give anyone away. But they nuver heard to Missis Susie nuver!