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It is the only good argument for what is called teetotalism that it keeps more admirable medicines as medicine; for undoubtedly a wine-drinker, however moderate, would not have been brought round by the remedy which did me so much good. Well, in the midst of the terrible cough, which did not allow me to lie down in bed, and a weakness difficult to describe, I finished "Atherton."

"I am not much of a wine-drinker," replied he, "and besides, I never take wine by itself I should be obliged if you would have some water brought." Reine smiled, and passed him the water-bottle. "Indeed?" she said, "in that case, you have not fallen among congenial spirits, for in these mountains they like good dinners, and have a special weakness for Burgundy. You follow the chase, at any rate?"

"I am not much of a wine-drinker," replied he, "and besides, I never take wine by itself I should be obliged if you would have some water brought." Reine smiled, and passed him the water-bottle. "Indeed?" she said, "in that case, you have not fallen among congenial spirits, for in these mountains they like good dinners, and have a special weakness for Burgundy. You follow the chase, at any rate?"

She was conscious of a sense of joy in the knowledge of the fact that To-to had not yet got down from London. There all calculation ceased. The hall-door was opened. The breath of the fresh morning came into their lungs. Helena drank it in, as if it were a draught of wine in more correct words, as if it were not a draught of wine, for she was not much of a wine-drinker.

In. some secluded spot, resting amidst luxuriant herbage or forest undergrowth, a slight rustling makes us start, and, lo! looking at us from the clustering leaves, a strange face; the leaf-like ears erect, the dark eyes round with astonishment, and the sharp black nose twitching and sniffing audibly, to take in the unfamiliar flavour of a human presence from the air, like the pursed-up and smacking lips of a wine-drinker tasting a new vintage.

He was frugal in his habits, a wine-drinker and an eater of meat, but rarely addicted to gluttony or intemperance. His dress was inexpensive, for the Greek climate made but little protection necessary, and the gymnastic habits of the Greeks led them to esteem more highly the beauty of the body than that of its covering.

The wine-drinker finds that he has to pay ten shillings a gallon on all he drinks, which should certainly entice him to drink good wine; but the only practical result discoverable is the small quantity of wine drunk as compared with beer and spirits.

"I am not much of a wine-drinker," replied he, "and besides, I never take wine by itself I should be obliged if you would have some water brought." Reine smiled, and passed him the water-bottle. "Indeed?" she said, "in that case, you have not fallen among congenial spirits, for in these mountains they like good dinners, and have a special weakness for Burgundy. You follow the chase, at any rate?"

"I don't seem to follow you, Mr. Gold." "I have never been a wine-drinker," said Gold, "but I may speak of wine to make clear my mean-in'. If you had been drinkin' a wonderful fine glass of port or sherry wine, you wouldn't try to take the taste out of your mouth with varjuice." "I've tasted both," said the 'cello-player, "but they niver sp'iled my mouth for a glass of honest beer."